5½ Months

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{photo done by http://phantomhiveftme on deviantart. So cute 💕}

Eren's POV:

Levi was in pain nearly everyday, he'd often whine all day and all night.

I couldn't have enough sleep, I often had to sleep away from him because of his squirming or he'd send me out late at night to hunt for him because he was hungry...

There were these berries hidden in the middle of the forest, herbs that helped Levi relax and often fall asleep.
I picked up certain amounts of said herbs and stuffed it in his meals.

He isn't loving or happy anymore.

He's always in pain and whining and sometimes even cries out at random times causing me to have a heart attack.

Petra and oluo stopped coming around after Levi spat at oluo for getting to close to stepping on his paw.

Oluo even admitted he was a little threatened by him which made me grin in satisfaction.

Today marked the 5 and a half month.

Other pups were being born. Some pups even unfortunately didn't make it.

Marco and Jean had popped round after the meeting a month ago, Marco had been very agitated, as was Levi.

So it was mostly me and Jean glaring each other down.
Marco would probably be giving birth soon, the more the pups, the earlier the birth.

"Eren, I'm-"

"in so much pain?" He growled.

"Shut up and rub my tummy." I sighed as I watched him rolling over dramatically.

I put my jaw on his swollen stomach and drug it up and down. He sighed in what I hoped was happiness.

"Like that?"

"Do it lighter." That was his way of praise. It was an odd way but I got the idea of his silent plea.

I did as he said and rubbed slowly and lightly.

I felt something pop up against my chin for a second.
Levi groaned after the feeling faded away.

"Was tha-"

"a kick, yeah. The little bugger doesn't stop moving." I rolled my eyes but stared at the spot on Levi's tummy.

Another bump rose quickly and then disappeared again.

"My little alpha." It was Levi's turned to roll his eyes.

"He'll be really handsome, getting all the Omegas attention."

"He'll only have one omegas attention and that will be mine. He's not mating until I say so and I approve of that person." I laughed slightly at his comment, he's been very talkative lately.

Levi's POV:

I knew Eren had been giving me relaxing herbs, I didn't like them, I had to tell him...

Maybe the little shit was trying to poison me!

I wanted out, I'd been stuck in this cramped space for ages. I went toward the door and as soon as eren heard the door open he was at my side.

We ended up going with each other to the little lake outside where the dens were more crowded.

Eren was inside the water, splashing around happily, it was a warm day and sunny out.

He stopped jumping around when he sensed some people coming toward us.

Five big alphas came up to the opposite side of the lake, they lapped at the river as Eren got out to get by my side, blocking me from their curious glances.

The alphas saw his show of protectiveness and a couple backed off.

However two alphas remained, daring to look past Eren straight at me.

Eren didn't like that, he growled at the most dominant looking one. I knew Eren could take them all, he promised me to always protect me.

"Eren... is everything ok?" I whispered to him whilst I stared down the alpha with my gums visible.

"Hey omega. Come with me and I'll take that baby away from you, stuff you with mine instead."

"I'd rather die." I replied curtly, with an earful of eren's growling.

"Don't talk to my omega. He doesn't want you, so get lost." I gaped wide eyed at his possessive voice...It was actually quite hot.

The other alphas got the idea of my disinterest and decided to submit to eren's powerful aura and stalked away.

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