Bear's are a nuisance

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{cuddly Levi is my sort of Levi TBH. Credit to yaoiobession on weheartit. The baby is almost here, don't worry it'll be like in the next chapter.}

Eren's POV:

I watched Levi drift off to sleep, his body only just now coming down from the stress of my disappearance.

Poor thing must of tired himself out worrying about me so much.

He thinks he'll give birth soon.

I feel excited but worried at the same time?

Omegas who were under a lot of stress and worry could die during birth, I didn't want that so I pampered him whilst he slept, making sure he knew I was here.

I'm going to be a father soon, maybe in the next few hours.

I'll wake up early and bring Levi breakfast.
Unless he's crying out in pain, then the food will have to come afterwards.

I fed him up after getting here so he'd have enough energy just incase the pup decided it wanted to show up before sun rise.

He struggled in his sleep, he often did that, he would always wriggle around, sometimes kicking his legs and arms around.

I whispered to him, even though he couldn't comprehend what I was saying, his instincts knew I was there with him to calm him down, ready for a hard days work, I hoped.

I began to feel sluggish as well, I groomed him before laying my head down beside his and closed my tired eyes, slowly falling asleep.


I awoke to a harsh push against my side.

I snapped up.

Looking to Levi to see his eyes wide open.

He didn't seem in pain at all, was he in labor?

"There's something out there..." He whispered as he looked wearily at the door.

"How do you know?"

"It keeps sniffing around." I grumbled, disappointed my omega wasn't bringing my pup into the world just yet.

I stood by the door and sniffed outside.

Anything could be there, wind, leaves, even bears.

If it were a bear and it smelt a pregnant wolf. The omega wouldn't live long after birth, for the bear does not care whether a pup is a pup.

The mother would be too weak to fight back and the pup wouldn't be able to do anything.

But I wasn't going to let that happen to my omega.

I held in my growl, wanting to know what this thing was. I wanted to sneak up on it quietly...

I opened the door a jar and spied out.

Large foot prints painted the floor by the door.

This bear was near my cave, near my omega, near my pregnant omega.

I couldn't let that bear live any longer...

I looked back at Levi cautiously.

"What ever you do, don't make a sound. Ok?" He nodded quickly.

"What is it though?"

"Bear." He looked down, knowing full well I alone wouldn't win against a bear.

You normally needed a pack of wolves to take down bears, they were powerful creatures so one wolf wouldn't cut it...

"If it comes closer I'll have to attack it."

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