10 weeks (2 months)

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Eren's POV:

Starting to miss Levi now...

2 months had gone past and I haven't even been able to see him, even if I sneak out!

Kuchel would always yell at me even if she smelt different soil on my paws. Her mate, kenny hadn't popped up yet, luckily.

I went out to the market streets and went hunting for kuchel and Mikasa regularly, they both enjoyed having an alpha around.

Kuchel explained it was nice to have a head of house around and Mikasa saw me as more of a father figure than her real father as he was never there much.

"Are you alright Eren?" I looked down, feeling slight depressed.

"Yeah, I just... really miss Levi." She smiled sweetly at me.

"You never know. When you get back home he could be carrying... you know. My grandchild!" I thought back to our first time and blushed.

But just thinking about Levi carrying my first pup made my alpha roar in pride.

She was bragging about MY pup.

~ Mine and Levi's pup ~

Levi's POV:

The longer the weeks went on, the harder it was, I missed Eren so damn much!

My Omega needed to tell him, tell him I was with his child, make him proud of me because I'm carrying his litter.

10 weeks had passed since our coupling and no matter what company I had, I would always snap at them for seeing me.

The same people came to see me every day like I was some crippled old man, it could get very boring very quickly.

It pissed me off to no ends but I couldn't tell Carla otherwise she'd grab my ear again and yell at me for being rude.


She'd offered to walk with me to the doctors.

I could see she really wanted to come in and witness the ultra sound results because she was swaying from side to side, from one foot to the other.

She had told me it was improper for another to be there apart from the father and offered to stay out in the cold.

"No, I'd prefer it if someone came in with me and who else is better than my Alphas mother. It's your grandchild." She cheered silently and started to get teary. "Tha- thank you so much Levi!"

We walk in and wait, wait for Hanji to come out of that one door, the door with a sign hanging over it saying 'do not come inside unless you are hanji!!!'

"Levi, Carla! Good to see you again, check up?" The crazy woman appeared.

"Ultrasound, shit head."

Carla glared at me, I whined and apologised silently.

She let me off with just a playful smack to my ass. "Don't let me hear that language again." She grinned.

We were led into the familiar white room and Hanji set up the machine.

She, creepily, put her hand on my chest and forced me down with a manic smile on her face.

"Just relax, please honey." If anything, she was making the whole situation worse, making me more tense!

I laid down and fiddled with my top until she asked me to lift it up.

"Let's see this baby then, it's been 2 months I see." I looked anywhere but at her stupid face but nodded.

"You missing alpha?" I glared toward her, teasing me about having to leave my alpha for 2 or more months was a bad idea.

"Bad subject." Carla told Hanji from across the room at the sight of my face.

She nodded and started to spread some gel onto my stomach.

She put the stick onto my abdomen and started moving it around.

Her eyes widened at the screen and she smiled down at me, at least that was good sign...

"Do you wanna take a look?"

I looked at her matter of factly. "Er...You know what, I don't actually want to see my unborn child, but thanks for the offer - Of course I wanna see it moron!"

I could hear Carla cracking her knuckles for another ear pulling later.

She turned the screen around and I saw the little alien. I smiled secretly, not wanting Hanji to see it, or else she'd tease me.

Carla was crying her eyes out and Hanji was stroking my stomach weirdly.
I whipped her hand off and she threw a tantrum.

"I'm sure Eren will be delighted!" She declared as she handed another piece of paper to me, I looked at the picture and pulled Carla over to me.

"This is your grandchild." I kissed her cheek and she burst into tears again, getting my neck wet as she hugged me. "Don't say things that will make me emotional Levi!" I patted her back.


We walked back home, clutching the paper tightly.

Even though it was my child Carla still wanted to hold it like it was her own.

"I can't wait till grisha hears this!" She excitedly sped walked toward the end of another road.

"It took us years to get Eren. The first mating wasn't enough, but I'm happy yours was successful."

I wanted to know more about pregnancy so I went to ask her before she interrupted me.

"You'll have to turn into your wolf form soon. 3 months is the latest it should be you know." She pinched my cheeks.

"So Eren and I should get a home before the 2nd month is up?" She nodded.

That means I get to see Mikasa and my mother soon!

We reached the jaegers household and Carla knocked on the door, grisha answered as always cheerily.

"Hello dear, Levi. We have a guest right now. He came about an hour ago and hasn't left since." He guided us toward the dining room.

Thinking it was another stranger to invite me into the pack I stayed behind Carla not wanting to talk to them at this moment in time, wanting to spend my happy time alone.

"And you are?"

"The names kenny ma'am."

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