2. Girl Meets The Pairing.

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Maya Hart's POV

I got chosen.
I got chosen.
I got flipping chosen.

If you haven't noticed, I'm freaking out. There are eight of us, all my friends, sitting on the stage in front of the school.

We have been chosen to be the new Parents of Abigail High School.

This sucks like crap.


About an hour later after the choosing, I'm sitting in the office. Lucas is to my right, and Riley is to my life. I take her hand and she squeezes mine.

I try to imagine one year of living and being 'married' to each of these four guys. None of them look very nice.

For Zay, I can imagine us both being too chill about this whole project. We'd probably forget about the kid or something.

With Farkle, he'd bore me and the kids to death by droning about science and school and math.

With Charlie, I'd probably be creeped out to death. He'd watch me too much, stalk me. For heaven's sakes, he might even creep the little kids out.

And then there's Lucas, my Huckleberry. We'd just argue too much. They'd probably think that we were filing for a divorce or something.

So how am I going to live a life with any of these guys?

"Okay, the pairing has been chosen," The principal says as she opens the door.

I groan in sadness. This was not happening. Was it even legal to make kids get married? I'll have to look that up.

Oh, wait. I'm gonna be a freaking Mom. There is no way that I'm gonna have time for anything.

Man, when I'm gonna go to parties or anything?!

This is so unfair.

"Are you all ready to find out your match?"

I stare daggers at our principal. She's a short, plump, brunette. She's wearing a dress that's most likely two centuries out of style.

"Just tell us."

"Okay, I'll start with the easiest couple to choose," She says with a smile, "Which is-"

"Just hurry up!" I snap. "I don't have all day! I need to go home and paint something."

She gives me a look. "The easiest couple to choose was Zay and Sarah."

Zay gives an uneasy smile, unlike Sarah, who's having trouble not smiling at all.

"Our second couple is Farkle and-"

"And me," Smackle says with a sigh. "This project can't be so ba-"

Mrs. Brettlebee clears her throat. "Isadora, I was about to say that the pairing is Farkle and Riley."

Riley and Smackle's breath catch.

"That doesn't make sense," She says. "Farkle and I are already together. We both love the same things."

"But we thought that it was better to have parents with different interests. This way, if their child is not into science and such, they can go and play with Mom."

Smackle practically growls, which startles me. She doesn't usually get angry like this.

"Boyfriend stealer!" She yells at Riley.

Riley's hand tightens around mine, and she tries to hold back tears.

"What the hell Smackle!" I say. There is no way she's gonna treat my sweet, innocent, Riley.

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