15. Girl Meets Loneliness.

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Maya Friar-Hart's POV

He left.

I lied, and he left.

Repercussions, repercussions.

I don't hate him, I just am not in the best mood towards him.

As soon as he slammed the door behind him, I felt a whole beginning to form in my chest.

I should go and chase him. I should probably get him back.

But my legs won't move.

So I let him drive away into the night.

And it's my fault.

I begin to cry. I let him go.

But he hurt me, he betrayed me.

And yet, I still have the same stupid feelings towards him.

"I love you Lucas Friar."


Riley Matthews-Minkus' POV

"When can we see Lizzy and my boyfriend again Mommy?" Zoey asks me.

I stare at my five year old daughter and smile.

"In a few hours, you get to also meet some more kids."

"Where?" She asks.

"Mommy and Daddy have a meeting at school. You guys will be going to daycare," I reply.

"Oh. I'm so excited!"

I would be too, but I can't be excited anymore.

Lucas kissed me. What does that mean?

And even worse, I'm lying to Farkle about it.

"I'm awake!" Farkle yells.

Zoey and I laugh as Farkle marches down the stairs. He carries little Aaryn in his arms. The boy just in his pull up.

"And I went pee!"

"On me," Farkle mutters.

"Eew!" Zoey screams. "Did you shower Daddy?!"

"You know Zoey, urine actually doesn't have any germs in it-"

"Farkle!" I screech. "Did you shower?!"

"Of course."

We all head to the kitchen, and I head to the stove.

"Ya, no," He says.

"Why not?!"

"Last time I let you cook, which was two days ago, you burnt down the whole kitchen!"

"Oh ya..."

Farkle begins to make breakfast, and I sit at the table, doing homework.

"What are you doing?" Aaryn asks.



"Because," I reply with a smile. "Homework makes you smart. It helps you figure out what you want to be when you grow up."

"Aren't you already grown up?" He questions.

"Even grown ups have to learn sometimes Aaryn."

It surprises me how smart this two year old is. Or maybe he's just good at asking questions. He's got a pretty big vocab though...

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