21. Girl Meets Stupid.

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"W-what?" I whisper out. "I think I heard you wrong Honey-"

"I have cancer Maya, I have cancer."

I squeeze her hard into my chest. "Riley, I'm so sorry."

The tears stream down my cheeks, and I don't want to let her go.

"What type?"

"I don't really want to talk about it," Riley whimpers.

"I'll do it sweetheart," Farkle sighs, he takes Riley from my arms and wraps his around her.

"Riley was diagnosed yesterday morning with type four cancer."

"Type four?!"

"Yes, type four," He sighs. "It's stomach cancer."


Lucas Friar's POV

I slam my glass down, feeling the harsh liquid pouring down my throat.

"Buddy," Zay sighs. "You gotta stop."

I could feel a layer of something between me and the world. I know I'm drunk, and the alcohol takes control of my body. So I don't really know what's happening.

"Dude, lighten up!"

"I got to go home," Zay says. "Be safe."

"What could happen?" I slur.

"Gosh Lucas, I should bring you home."

"N-no," I stutter, tripping over a wooden beam. "I'm fine."

Zay walks out of the bar, completely sober. He only had a water.

I land on a hairy man, and before I can clue into what's happening, I'm thrown across the room and smashed into a bar.

I cry out in pain, and the man comes towering over me.

"You know buddy?" He spits out. "Watch where you're going!"

"Watch where you're sitting," I slur out.

I try to throw a punch, but my brain and body don't seem to connect.

The man throws a punch first, and hits me straight in the jaw.

And then another huge strike of pain hits me in the forehead.

And then my chest.

I hear my cries of pain, and I feel the actual pain.

Before I know it, liquor's being thrown at my face. Beer and vodka sting my face.

And then glasses began to be thrown, and one lands right above my head. I get showered in broken glass.

And it must be because of the alcohol, the punching, and the fact that I'm terrified... the world begins to go in and out of focus, and then it turns black.

And my head hits the floor.


Maya Friar-Hart's POV

I sit on the couch, staring at my hands.

My best friend has cancer. My best friend has cancer.

My best friend might die. My best friend has a huge chance of dying.

I watch the door, wandering what I'm even waiting for. That's when it hits me.

I'm waiting for Lucas. I'm waiting for the jerk.

I just want him to hold me, and for everything to be okay.

girl meets the secret to life | lucaya & riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now