32. Girl Meets War.

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"Hey Blonde Beauty."


Farkle Minkus' POV

Isaac + Elizabeth + Zoey + Aaryn + Bethany on ground screeching 'mama.'

That equals five kids.


"Leave me alone," My fiancé wails, she's laying on the couch, rubbing her sore stomach. The usual.

I didn't really mean to make her go through all this.... oops.


"Riley, hon."

"Farkle," She whines.

"Where is Grace?!"

"At my feet."

I look down at her feet, and shake my head quickly.

"Nope. I don't see a seven month old baby at your feet."

"Well I can't see my own feet over my six month pregnant stomach. So don't ask me."

I shake my head, and begin my search around the house.



Maya's room?


Maya's bathroom?


Living room?


Katy and Shawn's room?


Main bathroom?


Front Entryway?



"Farkle! What?!"

"We lost the baby!"


"How do you find a lost baby?!" I ask, panicking out.

Maya is already suffering enough, she is not going to take it well that her best friends lost her child.

Oh my gosh. We lost a baby.

And she can't talk yet.

"Riley! Help me look!"

"Farkle!" She whines.

"Get off your butt and help me look for the lost child! Children can get hurt and die in so many difficult ways without being watched! Especially young infants!"

"Oh, we wouldn't want that!"

But she still won't get up.

"What the actual heck Riley!"

I run to the children of five, when there are supposed to be six.

"Okay! Everyone is going to look for little Grace!"

The kids look up, but then continue to play with their toys.

"Your sister is lost!"

No response.

"First person to find Grace gets ice cream!"

The four children that can walk, jump up and begin searching with smiles.

girl meets the secret to life | lucaya & riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now