The Pearly Gates

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  With a flash of white light the group was on a set of marble stairs surrounded by clouds. They walked up the staircase hastily. They met with large golden gates at the top with various statues of saints watching over it.
    "Hello? God? Jesus? Cas?" Dean called. "Anybody in there?"
Heaven was silent. "Dean, something's wrong. It's too quiet. Let's try to open the gates." Sam said. "We're just going to break into heaven?" Rick asked in disbelief. "Yeah, why not? The worst that could happen is we get on God's bad side again." Dean said dismissively as he and Sam pried on the gates.
       "It looks completely deserted." Sam said in confusion. After a lot of shoving and tugging they came to the idea of climbing over the fence. "This isn't working, Sammie!" Dean said in frustration. "Let's just climb the damn thing!" Dean began pulling himself up the bars with Sam following him and soon Rick and Daryl.
      Dean reached the top and swung one leg over carelessly. "Careful, we don't know what kind of traps they might have set up. We don't even know who's running this place right now." They all reached the top and Sam and Dean jumped down, hitting the soft floor of heaven. Rick and Daryl followed, surprised by the soft impact. They carried on cautiously through heaven when a crack of thunder broke the silence and violent winds whipped around them.
      A familiar voice came from behind them. "Hello...boys?"

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