I understand that reference

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  The group of men stood in the center of the division of heaven. "Cas!" Dean shouted. "Cas we need you!"
"Is this really your plan for summoning an angel? Just screaming its name a few times?" Rick asked in astonishment. "Yes it is. Do you have a better idea?" Dean replied. "Don't you have any of your voodoo who do that can summon it?"
"I am not it. I am Castiel." Rick and Daryl jumped slightly. "Hello Winchesters." Cas said. "Sup Cas. We need your help."
"With what?"
"Battling The Darkness. She's taken over this world and we need to build an army to take it back."
"That won't be easy. You'll need as many archangels as you can get. Maybe even a few demons."
"Will you help us though?"
"Yes. I'll help fight the darkness."
"How the hell did he find us?" Daryl asked pointing to Castiel. "He's an angel and we're in heaven. Word gets around." Dean replied simply.
     "We should get moving if we're going to build an army. Who knows how much time we have left." Sam said. "Very little. There's been talk in the other heavenly divisions." Castiel said. "We'll have to work quickly. I need to do some research."
"Does hell have wifi? Let's go there and round up some bastards maybe even Crowley." Dean suggested.
"We're actually going to build an army of magical creatures to fight the dark?" Daryl said in astonishment.
"Yeah. Although they're not exactly magical creatures."
"If the apocalypse hadn't already begun I'd say you're cracked out." Daryl said shaking his head slightly.

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