The Family Business

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Authors note: thank you to @xxlittlexxwayxx for leaving the comment that reminded me to look back at this story! I didn't realize I haven't updated in about a year! School was crazy this year as well as part of the summer I spent a short bit in the hospital where I worked on a new chapter a bit and I came around to finishing it, thank you all for being amazingly patient with me as I write this story I love reading your comments tell me you enjoy it! Thank you all!

After several hours of climbing the stairway to heaven, which shockingly was quite dangerous and not quite as shocking incredibly long and exhausting, the war party decided to take a short and well deserved break. They sat in silence for some time, no one knowing what to say when Rick spoke up to the two Winchester brothers. "How do you all know so much about all of this?" He asked, gesturing with his hands to the land around them. "Well it's the family business I suppose. We are hunters because of what happened to our mother. Our father vowed to get his revenge on the demon that killed her and he died with that being his wish." Dean said sullenly. "Your mother was killed by...a demon?" Daryl asked incredulously. "Yes, I was very young. She was pinned to my nursery ceiling and a fire began and she died that way at the hands of this demon." Sam answered. "That's awful. That thing down the road took the body of my wife Lori. She died giving birth to our second child. That was after the apocalypse began. It was tough to deal with her death." Rick sympathized with their loss. "That is tragic. My girlfriend was killed by the same demon as my mother while I was away looking for my dad. He went on a hunting trip and hadn't been home in awhile and Dean was worried." Sam said. Silence fell once more upon the group. "I'm the king of hell." Crowley said cheerily after some time. "You're Satan?" Daryl asked. "No don't be silly! I'm not Lucifer, I'm Crowley."
"But you're the king of hell?"
"So you're Satan?"
"No, you ape! I'm Crowley! How hard is it for you to understand that!"
"It's much easier to go about life not understanding rather than asking too many questions, Daryl." Death said eerily.
"If I wasn't in the middle of a walker apocalypse I'd think I was going insane." Daryl said and laid back in exasperation.
"Oh well why's that Derry?" Crowley asked in the same cheery tone.
"I'm surrounded by two demon hunters, an angel, the king of hell and the horsemen of the apocalypse. To top it all off we're going to find God who's name I've recently learned is Chuck and we're climbing the literal stairway to heaven! What's next the highway to hell!"
"It's a long hard road out of and into hell Derry, and let me tell you traffic is just awful!" Daryl groaned and Crowley laughed. "Dealing with him only gets worse." Famine said disdainfully. Rick spoke up once again now. "I've been wondering how exactly do you fight The Darkness. With like light and stuff, salt, voodoo? What do we do?"
"Well we'll need Chuck, all the archangels and a few supermassive soul bombs. We could also have Lucifer's spear, a diminishing spell and the Mark of Cain. That's probably how she was freed, the person with The Mark in this world must have been killed or turned or something. What exactly happened to them, I have no idea. The Mark of Cain imprisons her." Sam explained.
"So we need this stuff to kill her."
"No no no. You mustn't kill her, only imprison her. If you kill her existence ceases to exist. Our division, your division and every other division in existence is gone completely." Dean said. "We must weaken her then find someone to bear the Mark of Cain to keep her locked away. We'll need someone to bear The Mark and keep her locked away."
"Well I'll do it." Rick said strongly. "I'll do anything to give my children even half a normal life, to end the suffering of all of these people and to free the souls of the walkers."
"Oh Ricky their souls were freed long ago. They went wherever they were going right when they timed out on Earth." Crowley said simply.
"You don't know much about The Mark do you?" Sam asked.
"To be honest no I don't. How bad is it?"
"It gives you incredible abilities, immortality, super strength..."
"That sounds amazing!" Rick cut him off.
"No, it corrupts you. You must kill to satisfy The Mark. If you don't it'll slowly turn you into a demon so you will kill for it." Dean explained. "I once held The Mark. When it was removed from me we unknowingly freed Amara, The Darkness." Rick looked at the two in deep thought for a moment. "I'll still take The Mark. Those people in that jail don't deserve this life. Daryl, promise me you'll care for my children."
"Of course I will. You're sacrificing your life for the lives of many others. It's the least I could do for you." Daryl promised. "Well let's get moving now, boys." Crowley said and stood. The war party was off once again.

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