Hell's Army

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"Knock knock Crowley!" Dean shouted entering the fiery gates. "Hello boys. What can I assist you with?" Crowley grinned deviously. "We need an army. Yaknow there's a little problem with the darkness infecting the world. We need to stop her. These people, they don't deserve this."
"I could possibly help. If she takes over I lose this division. This is my vacation hell." Daryl and Rick appeared confused. "What? Being the king of hell gets a little stressful around the holidays." Crowley said disdainfully.
     "Who could battle the darkness? What can stop her?" Sam asked hurriedly trying to put a plan together.
"Well Chucky surely could if he tried. I may be of some assistance, Castiel, Gabriel, a few other archangels perhaps. A few demons as well just for distraction. You'll need a big army. Maybe even wake up our darling Lucifer to help you. But I'm not too sure, boys." Crowley said rolling his wrist dismissively.
      "Alright let's round up the demons, find the big guy and get this freak show on the road! We got people to save!" Rick said urgently. "And from what I've gathered we don't have much time left."
Daryl had been standing silently at the back of the group but spoke up now. "If all this other bible stuff is actually true, what about the horsemen of the apocalypse? Like death and famine or disease or whatever?"
"Yes they're all real."
"Well what if we hunted down these apocalypse trotters and got them to call this all off?"
"Something like that could be possible. We'll search for them while we're building our army. If we get them on our side we'll have a better chance at beating the darkness." Sam said.

Thank you all so much for all the reads and votes! Hope you're all still enjoying!

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