The Four Horsemen

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   With two out of the Four, the Winchesters had high hopes for their army. Next was War. "Can't fight a war without War himself!" Dean said. Daryl was watching Death, Crowley and Famine with intense disbelief and interest. "So do you have any...human friends? Or is it supernatural allowed only around here?" Rick asked as his curiosity peaked. "We have human friends, we have Jo and her mom and there's Bobby. Cas was a human once." Dean explained. "If he's an angel now but he was a human does that mean when you die you become an angel?" Daryl asked Sam. "It could work that way. But Cas was born an angel like Gabriel or Lucifer."
"And all that religious loon babble, that's real?" Daryl continued.
"Pretty much. God or Chuck created the universe and his sister was actually the one who caused the flood Noah had to build the Ark for." Sam explained.
"I'll be damned." Daryl said.
"That statement is quite literal in your case Mr. Motorcycle, you just so happen to be on my list." Crowley said lightheartedly. "You have a list?" Daryl and Rick asked in unison. "Well of course I do, running Hell is no easy task if you're unorganized, boys."
"So if you run Hell, you're Satan?"
"I'm not Satan, I'm Crowley."
"But you're the king of Hell."
"Yes I am Crowley the King of Hell."
"But Satan is the king of Hell."
"Not anymore he's not. He's in The Cage."
"You have Satan locked in a cage?"
"But you just said.."
"He's in The Cage not a cage."
"What's the difference?"
"You'll know soon enough Mr. Motorcycle." Crowley grinned.
"Sammy, I had a weird dream we had another brother named Adam and he was in a cage, what do you think that means?"
"We left Adam in The Cage!"
"Would you shut up!" Famine shouted. "You all talk too much. War will never agree to work with such bafoons. And I'll never be able to think of a fool proof plan like this."
    Just as Famine said this a red old fashioned mustang flashed past them followed by a beaten up green one. "Looks like they found us before we could find them." Death said quietly.
"Is that good or bad?" Rick asked in a serious tone. "Depends." Crowley answered.
     The red mustang screeched on the pavement as it whirled around, closely followed by its green companion. As Rick was watching them they vanished and before he could say anything they were in front of them as Death slammed on his breaks. He turned the engine off in his black vehicle and waited for the drivers to reveal themselves. War slid out of the red mustang and Pestilence slid out of the green one, coughing and hacking in usual fashion.

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