Chapter 11: The Baby

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~7 Months Later~(Taylor)
I was so scared to have the baby, it was on its way any minute. I was 9 months along now, so the baby would be coming very soon.
"Taylor?" Zac shouted from the kitchen.
"Yea?" I replied.
I heard him coming upstairs.
"Hi," He started. He grabbed my shoulders with his hands and looked at me.
"I love you." He leaned in and kissed me.
"What was that for?" I smiled.
"Just because." He said.
I laughed softly and kissed him back.
"How are you feeling?" He asked now kissing my cheek.
"I've been okay, my back's still sore but other than that I feel good." I said smiling.
"That's good." He smiled and kissed my jaw then my neck and then my shoulder. I closed my eyes. He went back up to my neck and was kissing all the way up it and back down.
I breathed in deep with my eyes still closed.
"What're you doing?" I asked breathing heavily.
"Mm, nothing. Just kissing my beautiful girlfriend." He continued to kiss my neck. His kisses were always so gentle and felt so nice. I loved when he kissed me.
"Thank you, but what are you aiming at?" I knew he wanted something more from me.
"I miss this."
"I know, me too." I smiled and he continued to kiss my neck. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and felt his lips brushing over my skin. It gave me goosebumps. He just kept kissing me. He slid the top of my shirt off my shoulder and kissed there. Then he kissed my collar bone and back up to my neck then finally my lips. I weakly moaned, just the slightest bit. He made my knees go soft and my blood run hot. I moved closer to him as he pulled me in and turned his kiss from light and airy to deep and urgent. My heart was beating in my chest so fast I swear I could hear it. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me in so our bodies touched finally. The pressure of his body against mine was such a good, safe feeling. He kissed me so passionately I could tell he's been missing these times. I have too, but with my pregnancy we haven't had much time or energy to do anything. I felt good this morning so I was up for whatever.
"I love you." He whispered into my ear.
"I love you too." I laughed softly. He ran his hand down my waist onto my bottom. I moaned softly then he slid his hand under my shirt to feel my skin. We made our way into the bedroom and we laid down. He was hovering over me and started kissing my neck again. Then he kissed my collar bone and then my chest. I moaned lightly.
"Wait, wait. Stop." I said bluntly.
"What? What's wrong?" He asked disappointed.
"My water just broke."
"What?! Seriously?" He asked smiling.
"Yes..." I looked at him and widened my eyes. "Hurry!"
"Oh right!" He scooped me up in his arms and carried me down the stairs then set me down.
"Are you okay to walk?" He asked.
"Yes, I am. Thank you." We rushed to the car, although by rushing I mean going slowly but swiftly at the same time. He helped me in and then got into the other side.
"You okay still?" He asked concerned.
I breathed through my nose fast and deep. I just nodded quickly.
He grabbed hold of my hand as we drove there.
He drove quickly but was still careful. When we got there we were put into a room right away. The doctor checked my dilation and I was at a 3.
"Well you have to do some waiting, so just sit tight and we'll give you a little something for the pain in the meantime."
"Thank you so much." I said. I was trying to breathe easy but it hurt so bad I could barely breathe.
"Zac it hurts."
"I know, shh, it'll be okay. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. Okay?" I nodded as he leaned down to kiss me.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I smiled lightly through the pain.

~An Hour Later~
I was now dilated to a 8 and it looked like I was ready to deliver the baby. We didn't know the gender of the baby yet given the circumstances I was in at the earlier months of my pregnancy. My whole body was abounding with pain. I was holding Zac's hand so tight but he didn't seem to mind. He's much stronger than me though, if we ever arm wrestled he'd definitely win. He'd probably break my wrist or something. But I couldn't think about anything else right now but my pain. Zac looked down at me and smiled. He always smiled at me. I smiled back. "You're going to be a mom..." He said still smiling at me.
"I know.. and you're going to be a dad!" Suddenly I got another contraction. I cried out.
"Shh, relax. The more you fight them the worse it gets." Zac said kissing my head.

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