Chapter 30: You're 13!

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So today I'm turning 13, it feels weird to say that! I'm really excited but I also miss being the baby of the family. Getting all the attention was something that I grew to love, but I do still get a good amount of attention and I know that Melanie needs a little more of that than I do right now. She's the youngest and I'm 13! How much you wanna bet my mom's gunna cry today? I bet my life. I stared at the ceiling for a while until I heard my mom coming up the stairs. She quietly opened the door so I shut my eyes and pretended I was still sleeping when she came in.

She came over and crawled in bed next to me, then wrapped her arms around me.

"Good morning angel....You're 13 today...seems like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms for the first time. I remember how soft you were and how bright your eyes were when you first opened them. You were my first baby and always will be. And I love you so much." She said almost crying.

"I love you too." I said startling her.

"Oh, gosh, you startled me. I didn't think you were awake." She said sniffling.

"I am, please don't cry though. It's not like a have a life-threatening disease, I'm just turning 13." I chuckled and turned over to face my mom.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you're growing up way too fast. I don't like it..." She said wiping her tears away. I wiped some of hers away too.

"I know, but even if I'm growing up, you can watch me; and who knows? Maybe I'll even do something really amazing!" I said in an attempt to cheer her up.
"I know but, sometimes I wish I could just go back to when you were a baby, hold you, and never let you go. I don't want to lose you." She said crying again.
"Aww, you won't lose me! Don't think that! I'll always need you, and I'll always love you, I'll even always want you to call me your baby, because I'll always be your baby."
"I love you so much Tessa... wait, I mean... I love you so much baby." She smiled so big at me.
"I love you so much too mommy." I could tell she enjoyed me calling her that. I touched her lips with my fingers.
"I love your smile." Another tear fell from her eye so I wiped it away.
"And I love your smile..." She said quietly. I heard little pitter-pattering outside my door.
"Tessa!" Melanie yelled and flung the door open. She ran to us and jumped on top of the bed to join in the cuddling fest.
She went in between my mom and I.
"Good morning angel! How'd ya sleep?" My mom asked kissing her.
"Good! How did both of you sleep?!" She was so energetic this morning.
"Good, thanks!" I said.
"I slept well too!"
"Tessa!" Melanie yelled.
"Yes?" I said chuckling.
"HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY!!! I. LOVE. YOU!!!!" She said turning to hug me. I hugged her back.
"Thank you! I love you too!" I exclaimed. She looked at me and smiled big, just like my mom did.
"You guys have such pretty smiles! Share with me!" I said.
"Oh Tessa, be quiet! You have such a beautiful smile! It's just like mine!" My mom said.
"Okay okay, but yours is still the best and Melanie's too." I said as I fake pouted.
My mom tickled under my chin.
"Don't pout whittle baby!" She said in a high pitched, "baby" voice. Like she was talking to a dog or something.
"Stop! That tickles!" I said squirming. She stopped then kissed my forehead and Melanie's.
"I'm gunna go make breakfast okay girls?" She said getting up.
"Okay, have fun." I said smiling.

I walked downstairs and started making breakfast, Tessa's favorite, blueberry pancakes and yogurt. She ate so much yogurt as a kid, I thought she would turn into milk! I started the pancakes and then Tessa and Melanie came down. Tessa was wearing a grey short sleeve shirt, with a black sweat over it and skinny jeans. She was also wearing the necklace that Zac had gotten for her.
"Well you look nice!" I turned to her, setting the spatula on the counter.
Then Melanie came down. She had her hair was down and she was wearing a little pink dress.
"Don't you look nice too!" I picked Melanie up and kissed her cheek.
My 6 year old and my thirteen year old are getting so big!" I exclaimed.

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