Law X Reader

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I cursed the chains around my wrist and looked around, slaves were everywhere as I sigh. I rolled my eyes, I shouldn't have went our if I knew I was going to be sent here. You see I got caught just by a sleep dart, a fucking sleep dart! I groan, I'm a daughter of a goddess with super strength and all that shit. 

"Bring the next slave!" someone shouted as I sigh, knowing I was next. I was pushed around, wait till I've seen the look of my older brother, (B/N) he will be pissed knowing his little sister is being chained up. I sigh as I stood in the middle of the stage, you were wondering why I'm chilled? Its because I can easily wipe out all these pathetic mortals with seconds. 

The bet continued as looked up to see two men were fighting with each other while betting on me, I sigh and as I was about to melt the chains on my wrist. The little hammer thing pulled me from illusions and I looked up to see a man with spotted hat and sadistic grin looking down at me. 

Ah, shit. I'm stuck with Trafalgar Law...Just great..I rolled my eyes as I was pulled away from the stage. 

Weeks have passed and now I'm outside the sub, it was really nice being here...pushing the fact that your own captain is being a pervert and somewhat caring at the same time, weird, right? The cold breeze kissed my skin as I sigh, mother will be pouting her cheeks off seeing I'm with a man and not with the man she choose, but she knew I need to choose for my own if she wanted the her castle to still be in one piece. 

"(Y/N)-ya? What are you doing here.." I turned my head as I saw Law standing there, the wind suddenly blew my (H/C) around as I tried to tuck it behind my ear. "Just enjoying the breeze" I said with a smile before looking back to the sky, not aware that Law had circled his hands around my waist. "I need to tell you something.." he whispered as I looked at him as out lips were inches away. 

"I knew I was being an asshole but, would you be mine?" he said with a slight tilt. My heart skipped a beat, I mean I do have a crush on him..and maybe this is a great opportunity to be even closer. 

"Yes, Law.."

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