Teen!Sabo x Bullied!Teen!Reader

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You opened the door to your room and closed it, finally, you could get away from all those bullies. You could feel the tears flowing down on your cheeks, you stood in front of the mirror and cringe at the sight of your own. 

Your (H/C) hair that was cut in a forced way, your parents are gone and you have no one else to take care of you, bullying became worst. Your hair became like that when one of those 'bitches' pulled you when you entered the toilet, they forcibly pulled your (H/C) locks and began cutting it, one of them filmed you and it quickly went viral. Some pitied but some used you as a laughing thing. 

One of those who pitied was the popular guy in school, Outlook Sabo. He tried to comfort you but you were shoved away by those popular girls as they clung onto the top hat wearing guy. You secretly had a crush on him ever since school started, the way he treats others, the way he cares for his brothers, and the way he smiles brightens your day. 

But you knew you aren't worthy enough to even walk beside him, you kept your distanced and admired him from afar. Since that pitiful day, even if you got bullied you place a smile upon your hurtful self, you don't want people especially him to worry about you. 

But all those efforts were thrown away, Sabo could clearly see what's behind that fake smile of yours. Everytime he would come close to you, you instantly ran away. What you didn't know is how he lik-love you just the way you love him. 

"Why are you even here? Why didn't you follow your parents's footsteps?" a girl said behind you as you walked past by them. You couldn't care less, you just walk away like you use to but to Sabo, it was an insult. After seeing you walked away, he will deal with the girl alone. 

Today was your most unluckiest day, you stumbled across another bully, Eustass Kid. Like always, he would likely force you to give him all your money that you've been saving since last month. Sabo saw the scene, he gritted his teeth but as soon as school ended, he knew what he needs to do before something worst happened. 

And it was, by the time the bell rings, Sabo quickly rushed out of the school only to see the familiar (H/C) locks being pulled and cut once again. Sabo's eyes widen, the locks that he had fallen in love with has been cut that easily. Upon seeing Sabo's presence, the bullies quickly ran away, leaving (Y/N) to looked down as tears streamed down from your cheeks. 

Sabo quickly stood in front of (Y/N), kneel down and engulfed (Y/N) in an embrace. "S-sabo?" she stuttered as she looked into his orbs as he stared down, lovingly at her. "(Y/N), don't cry, you'll look more beautiful with that smile of yours.." he muttered as (E/C) orbs stared at him with shock. 

"W-wha?" she asked, puzzled. How can someone like him talked like that to her? It makes no sense at all! 

"The truth is, I've been watching you for a long time.." he said as shades of red washed over his cheeks. "I-i like you!" (Y/N) suddenly burst her words, she quickly covered her lips with her hands, as she felt her eyes stinging as tears began to bubbled up in her (E/C) orbs. 

Sabo's eyes widen, he smiled at her before muttering "I like you too, (L/N) (Y/N)" the said girl looked up only for something soft to smashed to her lips, for once, she could finally smile in happiness as days filled with bullies seems like a dream to her. 

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