Dead!Ace X Broken!Reader

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"(Y/N).." a sweet voice whispered in my ears as I slowly tossed and turns on the bed. It whispered again as I opened my eyes, the white ceiling along with the sun greeted me as I got up. I looked to my side as the person I wanted to see was not there, a smile tugged on my lips as I got up. 

'Maybe he already left for work..' I thought as I strolled towards the kitchen, the place was spotless. I landed on the couch as I flick the tv, and scrolling through channels as nothing picked my interest.

I looked at the clock, its already 5pm. 'Where're you...' I thought as my (E/C) orbs shined up towards the window. I sigh as I got up and cleaned the house.

My distraction was cut off by a pair of gentle hands blocked my sight as joy filled my heart. A whispered asked me as I smiled, "Who am I?" I quickly response and looked back, "Ace!" but my smile was taken back as my (E/C) orbs saw blonde hair and big blue eyes looking at me with a sad frown. 

"(Y/N), its already 2 years.." my body started to go limp, "N-no, he was here this morning, he greeted me.." I spoke up as tears welled up in my (E/C) orbs. Sabo gritted his teeth as a single tear dropped down to his cheeks. 

"What are you doing?" Ace popped his head from our bedroom, staring at me who's cooking for our dinner. "Just dinner.." I said as I flashed him a smile. The goofy smile on his face didn't leave..

N-no, It can't be..

"(Y/N)? Sorry I'm late!" Ace said as he rubbed the back of his head. I chuckled as his sense of direction, "Its alright Ace, I forgive you!" I smiled as his smiled was trapped in my mind.

Tell me it isn't true..

"Uh Ace?" I looked down to see the narcoleptic man asleep on the floor. I smiled as I pushed back strands of his raven hair behind his ear. "So cute.." I muttered as I sat beside him. 

"He wasn't here to begin with.." Sabo said as my shoulders began to shake and my mind was filled with anger, sadness and regret. What had gone wrong..

He was here..was he? Of course he was! I looked up to Sabo. "He's here I'm telling ya! He just got to work! He will be back! He will be back to me!!" I yelled at Sabo as he looked down. "Don't you get it?! He died a long time ago! Why can't you accept it?!" he yelled as my knees gave up on me. Sabo supported my upper body as I tried to regain any memories.

"Hey! Look out!!" I shouted as a child ran across the road. Unaware, I sprint towards the child not looking back to see an out of control truck was heading my way. 

"(Y/N)!!!!" Ace shouted as he sprinted off, pushed me and the child across the road and took the impact. I looked back in horror as blood splattered messily on the road. I couldn't get up, I crawled towards him, not minding the blood. I pulled him closed to my ears, his heartbeat was there, but its fading. 


"(Y-y/N) I-i love you, my s-sweet wife.." his words whispered in my ears as I looked up to see a gentle smile tugged on his pale lips. 


Words couldn't describe how my heart and mind went through, the sorrows and mourning took control over me, making me lose sanity and hope in living. Now I remember, how I lost my sanity, how I once ended up sleeping beside my husband's grave, how I once ended up tried to dig his grave thinking everyone was wrong and I was right. 

I pushed Sabo away as I sprint towards the kitchen, scrambling through the drawers to search for something that could end my miserable life. Nothing can cure me except him, nothing can help me, not-

"I love you, (Y/N).." his voice echoed in my mind as I looked at my side, Sabo had already penetrates a syringe filled with sleeping liquid into my body. As my body fell limp, I could still hear his voice, calling up to me like a drug..

"I'm sorry, (Y/N).."

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