Marco X Author

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Hello! Haven't I been up in a while huh? Sorry for the sudden disappearance, I got too busy with school and I didn't even have time to write down a draft. I do in fact going through some new storylines for other animes and possibly DC and Marvel related things. 

This story is from my OC's perspective.

Chiyaki's POV (my OC)

I sighed, looking over at my doppelganger or other self-hunched, Alice, over her study desk. Her silky black hair that matched mine was tucked inside her hoodie as the sound of scribbling pen and flipping paper echoed throughout her room. 

I saw how stressed she was ever since she got that results, she wasn't the greatest in her class but to me, she did her best. 

"Hey, your eye-sights already healed up, don't ruin your eyes again or you might not end up with the army" I chided her, seeing her back straightened as she turned to me, other than the difference between our eye colours, eye shape, height and personality on the outside, we practically twins. 

She's the nice twin, always forgiving and accepting, sees the good in people even if they're like a supervillain. The nice within her would always lead her to painful paths, and I could clearly see how she created me. 

She used all her hurt feelings to create me, a being that knows no mercy yet still had kindness in oneself. A being that can kill with no hesitation, she can too but somehow she didn't want to hurt people. 

She's afraid of being left alone. 

I walked over to her, rubbing her stiff shoulders as she kept her gaze towards me. Her slightly closed eyes made her look Asian, her black orbs held so many emotions that one could simply break through it. 

"It's fine..." 

I gritted my teeth as I looked down at her, her head turned towards the papers on the desk. A small section held all the ideas that randomly popped up in her head if an idea for a new story came to arise. 

That was always the same answer to everything, everything related to her health that is. 

"I'm going to get some drinks, do you want anything?" I asked, clearly a bit tired of her attitude but I can't blame her, going on a non-sleep streak for 4 days straight isn't good for oneself. 

I walked over towards the main hall, where all the magic happens. I could clearly see Ace talking with someone from a different dimension, they were having the time of their lives. I looked up to see me and Alice, the girl who's going on a 4-day streak's husband, Marco The Phoenix. 

Actually, I could saw Alice practically almost married all the guys in One Piece and some others but there's too much that I didn't even bother to keep up. 

"Marco~" I howled over to him as he dropped down in front of me, his usual frown decorated his face as he looked over to me, slightly worried. 

"What's wrong-yoi?" he asked, looming over me as I explained to him about Alice's conditions, he was not shocked by the explanation and calmly stated this had happened before when she was with her ex-boyfriend and they created her other alter ego, the woman before me. 

Marco stated that Alice quickly destroyed and tried to erase any evidence of the woman before me, Yumiko was her name. I could still see traces of the other one in previous books but Alice clearly forbade me and the others to even think about her other past. 

"Look up the calendar-yoi" Marco requested as I summoned a calendar and our eyes widened, 

In bold letters, 30th August was circled with MKN insignia on the bottom corner of the square date. 

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