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Third POV 

Deep within the village, lives a young and beautiful woman known as (F/N) who was married to a very strong and fierce male known as Portgas D. Ace. Ace was known for his ability to produce fire and how brave yet childish he was. He was the village's cherish boy, and knowing he had married to the most cherish woman melted their hearts. 

It wasn't until, Ace died as a hero and when news was brought to the village, (Y/N)'s heart shattered, she had a miscarriage that lead her to a despair rode. Her smile was gone, as her once cheerful home became dull, she won't leave her house and would only leave but without the familiar smile the villagers's had cherished since the day she was born. 

Not only was Ace's death brought tears to (Y/N), but to a certain male that had always fell on love with the beautiful maiden, there was one problem. 

He was a bakeneko, the yokai or supernatural being that can morphed into a human, that not even other humans can tell he was actually a different person, but there was one other problem, he can't stay a human for so long. 

"It's okay if I lose everything if it means that I can hide away the real me"  

Sabo had fallen deeply in love with (Y/N), knowing the smile on (Y/N)'s face had faded away, "I will take on Ace's life and form, to bring back that smile on her face" he said as he looked up to the full moon. 

When Sabo came to the Portgas household, (Y/N) once again broke into tears. She couldn't believe who she had seen, it was her husband, her lover, the man she had pledge to spend the rest of her life with, the man, who would became the father of her children..

Sabo was broken as he held the broken maiden in his arms tightly, muttering those cruel words he had thought to himself as he tighten his grip around his 'wife'. 

  "I'll never leave your side I promise,"  

But, he never regretted. Days passed by, and the only result was Sabo needed to tell (Y/N) that he had lost his memories in the battle, and just by seeing the smile that had formed on her face made all his worries disappeared as she cared for him, just like how she suppose to care...for her 'husband'.

He didn't even think of how his powers will disappear, the sin and the lies he had committed, all he had wanted, to see that beautiful smile graced on her face as he melted for her once again. 

Sabo knew his powers started to fade the moment (Y/N) walked through that door and stood in front of him, as she held out her hand and cupped his cheeks, with those beautiful lips she had muttered words that made Sabo realized his position as a being, not a human. 

"Hey I wonder if you ever realized, you and him - you do not have the same eyes, but you know, it's really alright..." 

Her hand trailed down his chest, as he held to her frame. His blue orbs weren't the same as that boyish black orbs Ace had, and knowing she had noticed, struck fear in him. He isn't going to stay long just like he had expected. 

As Sabo looked up, he had fallen to his knees and see his trembling 'wife' had wrapped her arms around him, clutching him tightly as her cracked voice made him realized, he didn't repair his heart, he had punished his own heart for making her feel this pain. 

The pain of knowing he wasn't (Y/N)'s beloved husband, Ace. Her heart couldn't help but love him, as her cracked voice made Sabo wrapped his arms tightly around her frame. 

  "I beg of you please never leave me,"  

Sabo's powers started to fade, he can't stay long. His true self started to appear, as his words could no longer mutter those human language. Slowly, he started to became his true form, a bakeneko. 

Taking one last chance, he ran away, with his small cat-like back facing her, as you said to him, 

  "Thank you for everything"  

Sabo hated himself, he knew he had broken her heart once more by turning into (Y/N)'s dead husband, he knew he was doomed from the start, but he couldn't bring himself to feel anything when he saw that smile. The smile gave him life, but he hated himself for doing so. 

How could she still thanked him after what he had done? He prayed for her to hated him as much as he hated himself. 

He ran away into the cold night, never to be seen, again. 

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