Chapter 10: You did what?!

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I know it has been like 2 weeks since i have uploaded, i am in the middle of moving! I'm so sorry!

-Edward POV-

Bella and I walked up to the house. I have considered calling Deven, just to ask her some questions but I knew I shouldn't. We walked up and I read everyone's thoughts. Saving Renesmee for last. I read how she was sad that Jacob wasn't here. I didn't know why then I went back to Rosalie who could tell she was sad because of the proposal. I growled slightly and Bella looked at me. I looked at Rensmee and just then the dog walked in the house. 

"YOU DID WHAT?" I yelled and let go of Bella's hand

"Oh boy the bloodsucker is back!" Jacob rolled his eyes

I growled. "WHERE IN THAT LITTLE BRAIN OF YOURS DID YOU THINK YOU COULD PROPOSE TO MY DAUGHTER? AND THEN GET MAD ABOUT IT AND LEAVE HER UPSET?!" I got in his face and was yelling at him. I felt Renesmee come up, but Bella pulled her back. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY SHE IS LIKE 6!?" Bella yelled. Obviously she didn't know. 

Jacob snarled back, "I know my mistake leech. That's why I'm here!" 

"YOUR NOT EVER going to propose to my daughter without my permission!"

"DAD! Stop it! I love Jacob!" Renesmee said in tears. 

I looked at her. She loved Jacob? I looked at Jacob. I couldn't believe my little girl was growing up and LOVED somebody. Soon she would be married and having a family of her own. I let go of Jacob's neck I had started to grab. I then just walked up the stairs into my old bedroom where I remembered all the memories with Bella. How I proposed and when she first came here. I couldn't believe time had gone so fast. I laid down on the bed and felt like crying or punching a wall.  I wasn't sure which.

-Bella POV- 

I didn't know Jacob had proposed and an anger for my daughter's protection came back. 


"I know Bells. you feel the same as him. Whatever."

I looked at Renesmee's hand and then pulled it to my face, "You didn't say yes?"

She looked at Jacob and then at me, "It wasn't very romantic and it was sudden. I do love him. But he asked when dad was missing. It wasn't the right time and he didn't care."

I looked at Jacob who looked down at the floor. "Can I talk to yo- Bella can I talk to her?" 

I thought for a few seconds, and considered objecting but thought this is what Ness needed and I let go of her arm as she walked out with Jacob and I looked at everyone on the couch.

"Who knew about this?" I asked if I was a mom who came home to a broken bowl. 

I saw Rosalie raise her hand, followed by Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Lastly, Esme. Everyone knew but me. 

"Bella, Rensmee needed somebody to talk to. You were upset so she came to me. Alice saw it coming, and so we both knew, then Alice told jasper, and I told Emmett and then Emmett told Carlisle and Carlisle told Esme... You were so upset we didn't want you more upset.." Rosalie stated 

I knew they meant well. I watched Renesmee walk out with Jacob in her blue jeans and v-neck white shirt and boots. Jacob stood in shorts and a tee as they walked. Renesmee had her arms crossed. She was stubborn like me. One thing I wish she wouldn't of gotten. I slowly walked up the stairs to Edward and knocked on the door. 


He didn't move. But I could tell he was upset. 

"Edward... Honey... I know you are upset.. But they are in love.. Just like you and I were. She didn't even say ye-" He cut me off.

"Yes but Jacob plans on asking her again now that I am back. And she will say yes, because she lov-... loves him." He stuttered on the word love and it made me wish I could cry. 

I went and sat on his lap. I couldn't believe this. "Edward.. I know how you feel. Our little girl is growing up and it's as if we have nothing more to do.. She was such a little angel and now she is grown up."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and sighed , "I know.. But I have to realize that I want her happy and she is happy with Jacob." 

I slowly pressed my lips on his and we sat in a kiss for a few minutes until I pulled back. But Edward pulled me closer and kissed my neck. "Edward.."

He laughed, "Sorry love." He pulled me to him and we laid on the bed on talked about all of our memories that took place in this very room.

-Renesmee POV-

Jacob and I walked out to a little river in the woods. It had beautiful little flowers of different colors. Like mom and dad's meadow. We sat along the side and I crossed my legs as I pulled up the flowers and twisted my hair in my finger. 

"Ness... You can't ignore me forever." Jacob said in a smooth voice

I turned my head slightly, "What do you even want to talk about."

"Us. Renesmee, I'm sorry, your right I shouldn't of done it at that time. I should of been official and done it right. I didn't, and I got upset. I'm sorry Ness. You know I love you and you know you are the best thing that has happened to me." He said 

I didn't even think about my words, they just came out, "Well how do you know I want to get married."

He looked down and I wished I could take my words back, "I'm not going to force you into something you don't want to do. I just want you happy Ness.. And if your happiness is with somebody else. Then. That;s where it is." He said. I could tell there was pain in his voice. 

"Jacob. That's not what I meant. I do love you Jake. And I want to be with you forever. I can't spend a minute away from you without missing you like crazy. My happiness is here with you." I could feel tears running down my cheeks 

He stroked my hair and wiped the tears away, "Then let me do this right," He got down on one knee and smiled, "Renesmee, you are the most beautiful and wonderful thing that has happened to me. From the moment we meant I knew we were going to be together forever. I love you, and want to spend my life with you, So will you do the honor of marrying me?"

He grabbed a little box out of his pocket and held up a beautiful diamond ring. I laughed and cried tears of joy as I nodded yes. He slipped the ring on my finger and picked me up and swung me around and then brought our faces together and I kissed him for a long time.

-Deven POV- 

I walked out of the old house as I stroke a match and lit it on fire. This was step one of my plan. I waited for a while and then put some ash on my skin and messed my hair up. I flashed to the Cullen's house and knocked on the door. I looked in the reflection to make sure I looked like i just escaped a fire. I looked at my watch and heard the door open when I looked up it was her.


And this was step two.

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