Chapter 19: It's Over

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A/N: I just want to apologize that it has taken me over a year to update. But I have decided to finish out the story to the best of my ability. Thank you for being so supportive and continuing to write comments for me. I also wanted to note, that this is my interpretation of the story and what I think. Some things are not exact and some things might not completely follow the true "Twilight" (such as heart racing or breathing etc.) but it is more of a way to get a point across emotion wise.

I also wanted to note, that I highly recommend going back and re-reading the story. Not just because it has been so long, but I also went back through and edited some parts for grammar and spelling, as well as updated some different aspects of the story. Its completely up to you, as nothing is totally different so you wont be missing anything if you don't go back and read.

Anyway, enjoy! Thank you!

Bella POV-

I jumped in my skin as the scream pierced my ears. Edward ran inside, followed by me. Emmett and Jake came around the corner, bolting inside as well.

It was Esme. She was standing at the fridge filled with a sparse amount of human food, but in the bottom drawer contained jars of animal blood. I dashed over.

"Esme, whats wron-" But then I saw.

A dark, long piece of Renesmee's hair was set in the refrigerator, on top of a note written on yellow paper. I grasped the hair, smelling the grapefruit shampoo she used. Edward picked up the note and read aloud.

"We only ask one thing, you come at midnight tonight to Old Creek and you will receive your precious Renesmee. But only after we make a fair trade. No tricks, just a trade. Don't do anything stupid, or there will be consequences. I would tell you, but that would spoil the fun! You pick, it lies in your hands. XoXo, Deven."

"We have to go." Blurted Jake.

"What do they want from us though? We have nothing?" Carlisle said.

"We do have resources in our family. Maybe that's what she wants." Alice pointed out.

"Does it matter? We need to go and see what needs to be done."  I said.

"She's right." Rosalie's voice boomed from the top of the stairs. I gave her a hard look, but she ignored me, coming to meet with the family.

"We need to go. We cannot prepare anything except ourselves for what might happen." Rosalie continued.

"Then we go, but we do not go completely unprepared." Jasper said, everyone nodded in agreement

"I think that Carlisle, Rosalie and Jasper should hide in the woods, with some wolves, and you should look over the perimeter to see what things she has hidden. If we need you, you can come fast." Edward stated. 

"Then Bella, Emmett, Jake and I will meet them out there. While Alice, you stay here with Esme and any other wolves in case someone comes here."

"Sounds like a plan. Finally going to kick some vampire ass." Emmett said, smirking.

-12 AM @ the old creek-

Edward POV-

We arrived at the old creek shortly after midnight. I held Bella close to me, as we approached the dark, empty field that lay ahead. I looked around, making sure everyone was in place. This was it.

We waited for about a half an hour, hearing nothing when suddenly Jasper approached me.

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