Chapter 21- New World

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Renesmee POV-

(One month later)

Today is my first day of school, things are not the same. Not since Deven, not since everything that I went through. But I am slowly becoming myself again, emphasizing slowly.

I slowly brush through my long dark hair, and straightening my top, I walk out of my bathroom, grab my bag off of my bed and head downstairs.

"Good Morning Ness." My mom says, as she sets a plate of eggs and toast in front of me.

"Morning." I say back, sitting down, picking up my fork and playing with the food on my plate.

Just then, some of the family walks in, Dad, Grandma Esme, Uncle Emmett, Aunt Rosalie.

Then he comes in. The man I had not seen for 4 months.


I honestly cannot say that I didn't look at him,  but he looked... tired. He was still perfect. His sculpted chin, his scruffy dark hair. But his eyes, once filled with love and happiness; looked hurt. Betrayed. I knew I was the reason for that... if I could just speak to him he might understand-

No. Not now. I told myself.

"You ready for your first day, kid?" Uncle Emmett says

"Ready as I will ever be." I reply, Emmett's words snapping me away from my thoughts and back to my food.

"I am sure you will do fantastic. You are so smart, my love." Grandma Esme says

"Well we just wanted to come say goodbye, and wish you luck. I hope you find what you are looking for Ness." Aunt Rosalie says, coming over and kissing my forehead, then walking out with Uncle Emmett and Grandma.

"NO DRUGS, OR DRINKING! AND NO BOYS!" Uncle Emmett manages to yell out before the door shuts. I giggled slightly, then I look over at Jake, who looks at the floor, with his hands in his pockets. I could tell he was somehow hurt by that comment.

"I need to go." I say

"Okay, get your stuff, I will take you." Dad says, and I stop in my tracks.

"Dad..." I can tell he is reading my thoughts.

"Fine." He rolls his eyes and throws me the keys. "Be careful, and you know, listen to what your Uncle said, okay?" He says shyly.

"I will, see you tonight." I give Mom a light hug, dad a kiss on the cheek, and I quickly turn around as they begin talking again.

I slowly walk past Jake.

"Be.. Be careful.. Okay?" He whispers so low, that only I could hear; (and my parents have vampire super hearing so that is saying a lot.)

His eyes catch mine for a brief moment; he looks so awful, I think to myself.

My words get caught in my throat. I wanted to say that I was sorry, that I was dumb, that I was wrong. But I can't. I just simply walk away, and I can hear him let out a small sigh. A sigh of sadness.

I rush to the car and just like that I am blaring my music and moving on with my life.

I arrived at the college about 30 minutes later. It was big. There was a lot of people there. I was nervous. Extremely nervous.

Why did I do this... This was so dumb... I reach for the keys to turn the car back on.

NO! I think, pulling out the keys and grabbing my bag. I can do this. This is me moving on. I open the door and start walking to the front of the school. 

I quickly walked to the main office to get my schedule. Obviously people stared; when I said the school was big, I meant big for OUR town, but small for any other. It probably only had about 400 students. So people knew that I was the "new girl".

I took a deep breath, walking into the main office. I see the main office lady on the phone, she points a finger for me to sit down in the seat to my left. I look over and see a boy, about 20. He has fawn colored cropped hair; with taupe colored eyes. Beautiful taupe colored eyes. He has some slight stubble on  his perfectly chiseled chin. My eyes move down to his arms which are practically bulging out of his shirt. The shirt, which perfectly hugs him, to the point where I can see every ab on his stomach. Wow.

"You know staring is extremely rude." He says in a beautiful British accent , cocking an uneven smile

"Oh! Oh- No.. I wasn't-" I say startled, jumping back slightly.

"I'm just joking, take a seat." He says

So I do. I sit next to him and slowly die inside of embarrassment.

"I'm Carter." He says, looking over at me.

"I'm Renesmee." I say

"Renesmee? What a unique name." He says.

"Yeah, it's made up of both of my Grandmother's names." I say

"Hmm. Special." He says.

We sit in awkward silence, I bounce my foot up in down anxiously.

"You're new aren't you?" He asks

"Yeah." I say

"How old are you?"

I freeze. How old was I? Oh god I don't know. I have to think of something!

"You know, asking a lot of questions is rude." I say, smirking at him.

He laughs a husky laugh, similar to Jake's. "Alright, punching me with my own line ey? Fine. Don't tell me."

"I'm 19." I say quickly.

He smiles slightly, not saying anything; but knowing I had just admitted to defeat.

"Are you new too?" I ask.

He laughs a deep husky laugh again, "Oh god no. I have been here forever."

"Oh, how old are you?" I ask

"21." He responds.

I sat confused, "That is not very long."

"I know it's not REALLY that long, it's just sort of like an expression, don't you know that?" He looks over at me, raising one eyebrow.

Way to go Renesmee. I think to myself.

"Obviously I knew that, I was just messing with you."

Then the lady behind the desk interrupts us-

"Oh good grief, Carter Jones? Really son? Again?" She calls out.

"Oh my dear Rosanne, haven't you missed me? It's been a while!"

"Just go into the office Carter." She groans, rolling her eyes

He turns around swiftly on his heels, "Goodbye, Renesmee, I'm sure I will see you again." He gives me a swift wink, and turns back around.

I blush slightly, "Bye Carter." And just like that he disappeared into a dark room to the left of the desk, and next thing I knew I was being called into the one to the right.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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