♤New Start?♢

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W-where am I? ... Death? Why did you... l-leave me?


     The girl stood in front of the tub, wrapped up in the warm blanket she woke up in. G was sitting on the wide rim of the tub and was turning off the tap.

     "There ya go. This should be good. It's not too hot, but it ain't too cold either. See?" He grinned and dipped his fingers in the water before touching her cheek.

     She flinched, but couldn't hide a tiny smile. "Awww, your cute when you smile!" G said as he stood and patted her head.

     "Here's a towel," He said placing a fluffy white towel on the sink next to the tub. "And here's a wash cloth and some soap." He added, placing the two items on the rim of the tub. "That should do ya. If ya need anything else, just shout, k?"

     He bent to her level, but she refused to look at him. She only shyly nodded after a few silent moments. The skeleton sighed. "Alright sweetheart. I'll leave ya now."

     When the monster left the bathroom and closed the door behind him, the girl slowly let the blanket fall off her beaten body. She stood there completely naked and a bit in shock. She realised the monster man must have taken off her wet and torn clothes.

     She looked over shoulder at the door and shivered. "Pervert..." She mumbled.

     After the bath, which the girl deemed 'wonderful', she wrapped the towel around her arms. Since the towel was so big and she was so small, it still managed to cover down to her thighs.

     When she stepped out of the bathroom, she was met with warmth and the smell of a space heater. She smiled softly as her body accepted the heat.

     "Hey kiddo! You look a lot better!"

     The girl jumped at hearing the skeleton so suddenly. He cocked his head to the side when she looked up at him, grey blue eyes huge in fear.

     "Woa calm down sweetheart, I'm not gonna hurt you. Here." He reassured her then layed some clothes on her wet head playfully. "I'm pretty sure they're way to big for you, but its gotta be better than wearing my clothes." He grinned and turned her by the shoulders back to the bathroom. "Go dress. When you come out I'll have a cup of coco ready for you."

     The girl looked up confusedly at the monster. "Huh? What's the look for kid?" He asked giving a grin. She just continued to stared.

     "What's wrong kid?" He asked softly, kneeling a bit to be at her level.

     "W-what's coco?" She whispered.

     G's eyes shot open wide. Her voice made his SOUL break. It was so tiny and frail sounding. It sounded like she could break like a china doll if he touched her again.

     The girl tilted her head, waiting for him to answer.

     G shook his head trying to break his thoughts, "Oh sorry kid. Just hadn't heard you speak yet! Wait... did you ask what.. coco was?" He asked wide eyed.

     The girl nodded. G felt his SOUL crack again. "Woa... it's chocolate! In a hot drink! Come on, you've had chocolate before doll?" He said giving a smile.

      When the girl shook her head again, G cried internaly. Which was a very weird and new sensation. He took a deep breath, he knew he had to take care of her. He was going to do everything for this girl. He wanted to give her a second chance at life.

     "Well it's really good, and I'll be sure you get plenty." He winked and gave her the tiniest nudge towards the bathroom. "Go on kid, get dressed. Wanna try that coco don't you?"

     The girl nodded, but didn't smile. She just did as told.

     When she closed the door behind her, G ran a hand over his cracked skull. He knew his whole life had just flipped upside down. He knew he was going to have to take care of the girl, which was something he wasn't sure he knew how to do.

     Poor kid... I hope I know what I'm doing....

* took a base and fixed it

The One That ♡ Couldn't Love (GasterSansXOC)Where stories live. Discover now