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'I hope I can save her like I was saved....'


And free shout out i forgot to do, for @xX_Obssesive_Xx who guessed who the mystery skele jerk was back in the chapter, Two of A Kind. Congrats!

     G and Lucy sat in the back seat of a cab, finally having left the hospital and heading home. G was gazing out the window with an arm around the sleepy girl who was leaning against him.

     Even though the girl had slept for two days, -albeit unconscious- she was beyond exhausted. She sighed softly and found a comfier spot in G's jacket after nuzzling around a bit.

     The skeleton looked down at her and watched as she snuggled into him. He couldn't help but smile, she was so adorable. Her eyes were shut and her lips were slightly parted. Her long hair fell around her angelic face in large soft curls, making her look older.

     She found a welcoming spot between the skeleton's arm and ribs. His soft, brown jacket also gathered in this divit, making it even more comfortable. G couldn't help but chuckle at her. His ribs shook slightly, yet it still made the girl jump a bit, though she didn't even open her eyes.

     The skeleton wrapped both of his arms around her gently. He stroked her long hair and held her closely. Every time he had her in his arms, he didn't want to let go. He tried to brush it off, knowing he was always a sucker for physical contact. In fact, it wasn't something he had had in a while.

      Sadly, no matter the excuse he made for himself, he knew he was genuinely and completely attatched to the young girl. He couldn't quite piece together the reasons, but he was pretty convinced the main reason was that he saw himself in her.

      Lonely and broken, nothing left and everything wrong. No one to save you or pick you up. He knew all of that, and he knew how hard and how agonizing it was. He was very lucky to have been saved from that. He knew very few are offered a second chance from such a life, but he wanted to be sure Lucy had that second chance.

      He wasn't going to let her go deprived any longer. He wasn't going to let anyone touch her, hurt her or upset her ever again. He wanted to do anything and everything to make her smile. He wanted to be her hero, her prince. It had been so long since someone looked at him like that...

     'I vow, here and now, to forever protect you angel. I will be your hero, I will be your shining knight. I will do my best to save you, please, just give me the chance....'


     "Hey sweetheart, we're here." G spoke quietly to the girl that had fallen asleep on him. He gently patted her shoulder, making her stir with a tiny start.

     "Hey doll, it's just me. We're home." He said smiling at her. She looked up at him with a blank and sleepy face.

     'Home...' She thought it sounded so weird. She never remembered having a home before, although she was certain she had. She just didn't remember. Now the skeleton wanted his home to be her's? Or was he just simply saying they were at his home. She couldn't tell, and right now she was far to tired to care.

     Lucy grabbed her bag of new clothes while G payed the taxi driver and the two men shared a laugh. The girl didn't catch the joke, but she found the skeleton's quiet laugh very soothing. She relexed and closed her eyes. A small smile escaped her lips.

      The skeleton stepped out and stretched. When Lucy didn't get out, he looked back in to find her asleep again. He sighed and shook his head, the corners of his mouth turning up for a tired but genuine smile. He reached in and pulled her out gently. He lifted her and placed her on his hip.

     As the girl slept, he made his way up to his apartment. He was happy he didn't run into anyone, he didn't want to have to explain the girl. And he just wanted to get back to the comfort of home already. Hospitals always made him uncomfortable.

     G chuckled when he faced the snowman with a red bow hanging on his door. He knew someone was going to be excited to get home, but how was he going to explian Lucy? Oh well. One thing at a time, right?

      The monster unlocked the door and stepped in, the human still asleep on his hip, bag hanging from her frail fingers. He smiled and layed her on the couch. He watched her sleep for a bit. It wasn't creepy, he was just curious about her even more now.

     He watched as her chest rose and fell with her quite breaths. The way her lips parted slightly, even though she still breathed through her small nose. He noticed how thick her eye lashes were, a light brown however, he still found it beautiful.

     He stood quickly and went to the kitchen. There he braced himself against the counter as he leaned over the sink. 'No. No not again. Just stop! What are you doing?! Oh God... dad get back fast..'

      The skeleton cut on the tap and splashed cold water on his face. He could feel the sweat wash away, he could feel his mind clear. "Better..." He mumbled as he grabbed a dish towel and dried his face. He sighed and left the towel in the sink. It wasn't like his face was dirty, just certain people caused him to become slightly germaphobic.

     He sighed again and went to his room to change. He did check on Lucy again, the girl was sleeping like an angel. G smiled slightly and decided to put her in the guest room. So he picked her up bridal style and went to put her to bed.

     Before he layed her down, he noticed how small she realy was in his arms, she could easily be mistaken for a 12 or 13 year old. Maybe? He couldn't realy say. He estimated her to be at the most, 5 foot tall and weighing only around 90 pounds, if even. She was so small...

     He shook his head to clear his mind. Not time to feel sad. He layed her down and layed a soft fluffy blanket over her. Oh how peacful she looked. He wondered how such a doll could cut herself like that. Ah, again, no time for misery. Just go change you overgrown softy.

'I wonder if this is how they felt... when they found me alive?'


     oh... and im sick. Again. Wth? T.T no super bowl parties for me. My baby niece is coming over, but I WONT BE ABLE TO HOLD HER!!!! T.T and she always wants me to hold her! I feel like an awful aunt! And an awful author. I keep falling out of the every week update! Im so sorry T.T

Feb. 2, 2017



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