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S-she trusts me... what is this feeling? I have pain, and yet, my gut is so fluttery! What's happening?


     Lucy awoke once again from her internal alarm. She was glad to be greeted with light from the morning sun this time. She sighed contently as she snuggled deeper into the warmth around her.

     She could feel the presence of something strong yet gently holding her. It's comforting pressure wrapped around her back, just under her shoulder blades, and something laying softly on her head.

     She could feel a strange warmth from the hard, yet comfortable bulk she was held against. She could feel it moving, a slow and steady rise and fall trying to lure her back into the land of dreams.

     She could feel a thumping against her temple, slow, soothing and soft, like the heart of a beast laying dormant in the winter.

     After a few more moments of laying in peace, a realization hit her.


     Her eyes flew open to see a white t shirt, and the obvious outlines of ribs. Skeleton ribs.

     "The skeleton man." She thought before screaming and trying to push him away. But it appeared that the skeleton must suprisingly weigh 1,000 pounds, because for the second time, the opposite outcome occurred.

     Lucy ended up pushing herself away from him, and backwards off the bed. She lay there on the floor- with her feet caught on the edge of the bed- letting out a hoarse and pitiful scream.

     G sat up quickly, awoken by her quiet scream and her heavy, yet weak, heave against his chest. "What the h-" He stopped himself and saw the girl's little bare feet sitting on the edge of the bed.

     Curious, G moved over and looked over the side of the bed. His cheeks burned yellow and his eyes went wide as he looked down at Lucy, laying in the floor with her legs up and spread, her oversized sweatshirt rode up over her exposed stomach and he could see her panties clear as day.

     The poor girl was still emitting that pathetic scream, staring at the skeleton who's face was yellow, and his eyes focused on her panties. She managed to scream louder and quickly pulled her legs down, trying her best to cover herself.

     G blinked and clutched at where his heart would be. "Oh my god why? Well... at this moment, I think it's better to be in pain rather than turned on. That could go bad..." He thought to himself.

     His thoughts were interupted however.



     Lucy and G both screamed, and G came tumbling off the bed and right in top of the girl.

     Lucy screamed again because G had faceplanted her boobs. The skeleton pushed himself up, mildly screaming himself. The look on his face was pure horror, a perfect match to the girl's. Blush and all.

      The alarm however, was still ringing in their ears. So G quickly reached out and his left eye glowed yellow, as he used his magic to shut off the alarm on his phone. Which happened to be a nuclear alarm sound.

     Whith the sound gone, the awkwardness of G laying on top of Lucy was felt fully. Lucy stared wide eyed and red faced as the skeleton returned his gaze to her. He had a leg between hers, and a hand on each side of her.

     G let out a quick shriek and rolled over, landing with a thud on his side. The two panted heavily from the scares and embarrassment. Lucy stared at the ceiling while G had his eyes shut tightly, and he clutched at his shirt. The pain was getting to be too much for him.

     "S-so sorry Lucy!" He managed to say, the pain he felt was very clear in his voice.

     Lucy shook her head. "Why would anyone have that kind of alarm!" She shrieked. "My ears wing stop ringing!" Her tiny voice yelled.

     G's eyesockets flew open and he gave a loud laugh. "Sorry about that doll!" He said quickly, still laughing.

      Lucy turned her head to look at him with a raised brow, but seeing him nearly rolling in laughter made her laugh too.

     Their laughs filled the small apartment and created a warmth that was missing, a joy that was void and a heart that was lost.

      You've helped me find so much that was missing in myself Lucy. I promise to take care of you. I promise to protect you. You're my angel of hope.


The One That ♡ Couldn't Love (GasterSansXOC)Where stories live. Discover now