♢Sleep in a Bed?♤

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    Kid, I'm gonna take care of you. I don't want to ever see you frown again.


     After the human and monster had eaten their midnight supper, - and chocolate pudding dessert, which Lucy had thought she had died and gone to heaven after a small taste- the skeleton had convinced the girl that it was time for bed.

     Now the girl was very nervous about sleeping in a strange place. And sleeping on a bed was something she had only a faint memory of. But G tried to assure her she would be fine, and that the bed would be much better than the bathroom floor.

     "Come on dollface, you can pick the top or the bottom bunk. The bottoms bigger, but the top kinda cradles ya." He said as he fluffed two pillows.

     The girl looked back to the bathroom, the cold and hard floor was much more comfortable to her.

     "Hey sweetheart, over here, not the floor again. Your not sleeping on any floor while your in my house." He reached out to touch her chin and turned her to face him, greeting her with a gentle grin.

     She looked down and shuffled a bit. "Hey, I promise you'll love the bed. It's so soft, you'll think your on a cloud." He assured with a wink.

     Lucy gave a tiny sigh and nodded. G smiled victoriously.  "Good! Now ya just gotta pick one." He said gesturing to the bunks.

     The girl stared at them before thinking the smaller one would be best. She pointed to the top and looked up at the tall skeleton.

     "Alright sounds good!" He said with a large grin before throwing the pillows up, then picking her up and tossing her on as well.

     The girl gasped when he picked her up, but couldn't help but giggle when he tossed her gently. When she landed, she bounced a bit, only making her giggle more.

      "Oh my God your adorable." G said with total seriousness. Lucy blushed and burried her face in a pillow. G broke out laughing, "Ok, your too much! I tease and then you prove me right! How are you so cute?"

     The girl only groaned into the pillow, making G laugh harder.

     "Alright. I'll leave you alone doll." He said still chuckling slightly. He stepped up onto the bottom bunk to reach the top one. He helped her pull the blankets back and let her crawl under them. He helped her with the pillows, which the girl was very curious and amazed with, and then tucked her in.

     "I know your still nervous around me so I didn't mention this earlier, but in the morning I'm going to look at your wounds." G said with a seriousness in his tone.

     The girl looked away with a terrified look in her eyes.

     "No no no sweetheart look at me." He said softly, reaching to touch her chin and turn her to face him. He gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm gonna treat them as best I can, and maybe do a bit of healing." He said with a wink.

      Lucy's eyes widened a bit in curiosity.

     "I know most of your wounds are infected. I would have liked to look at them tonight, but I know we're both too tiered, so let's get some sleep now, and tomorrow, I'll make ya feel a lot better." He assured softly.

     Lucy's expressions looked conflicted between gratefulness and worry. G stroked loose hair away from her eyes and smiled reassuringly again. "Don't worry Lucy. Your safe here. Your safe with me. I hope you'll grown to trust me, but I can wait for as long as it takes. Goodnight dove. I'll see you in the morning."

     She nodded sleepily and closed her eyes. "G-goodnight... G..." She whispered shyly. The skeleton felt his SOUL flutter and chuckled lightly. "Night angel."

     Maybe... he's not so bad...



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