Chapter Eighteen

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Xavier's POV

I carried Emma out of the house and walked towards the nearby park. I couldn't understand the hatred of Tara's mother towards Emma. How can anyone look at such a innocent face and hate her?

"Shh Em, it's okay now. Shh" I kept stroking her hair but she wouldn't stop.

I couldn't understand how can she hate Emma so much? I mean even though she didn't support Tara's decision Emma is still a part of her and that makes her a part of their family as well. I get she is mad and upset and obviously shocked to see us like this but that doesn't explain the immense hatred.

"She hate me. She's mad at me" Emma said.

Even though she had stopped crying her face is sad and very upsetting. I pulled her close and made her day on my lap "She doesn't hate you. She's just very upset and shocked and she doesn't know the way we know, once she'll I'm sure she'll like you too."

She frowned a little "Why is she upset? I didn't do anything. I have never met her. Why is she upset with me?"

I stroked her hair and wiped the remaining tears off her face "It's complicated. Adults are very complicated Em. You never understand them when you're a child."

She nodded and then paused, probably to think the next question to ask "Is she upset with Mom too? Will she scold Mom?"

"No she won't. And your mom is a big girl, she'll be fine. I promise"

She nodded and snuggle close to me. I kept stroking her hair until she soundly fell asleep. Must be the jetlagged.

"She really seems to like you" I heard a voice and caught me off guard. I looked around to find Tara's sister Meera standing behind us. She came around and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry I was unaware of your presence."

"It's okay. I was just watching you guys from the back. She adores you. It's great."

I looked at Emma and smile "Tara has done a great job raising her. She's a sweetheart."

She smiled too "Indeed. My sister is a great mother"

"Yet your mother seems to hate her and Emma with a lot of passion."

She sighed and looked ahead "You were right when you told Emma how adults are complicated. My mother doesn't seem to accept the acceptance of the situation. She's still stuck in the past and she isn't ready to look beyond that. According to her she's just doing what Dad wanted her to do and even though it's been years and Dad is gone she can't gasp the reality of the situation. For her Emma would always be the for whom her daughter left them, the person who made her chose between being a wife or being a mother. So every time she looks at her or thinks about her or even hear her name it reminds her of the choice she made and makes her hate Emma."

"Where is Tara?"

"She's talking to her I think"

"Oh" I said not knowing how else to react.

"Don't worry. She's way more stronger than you and I can ever imagine."

I chuckled "I don't doubt that. I actually admire that about her. She's still so young yet she is raising this incredible daughter all alone, protecting her from everyone and everything."

"For years I've seen my sister fight this battle against the world for her daughter and I've been nothing but proud. Some times I envy her because she loves her daughter so unconditionally that she would do anything for her, she's such a great mother and I just feel I'm not that great in comparison. She was younger when she took the decision that she'll keep Emma and I was freaking out but I remember how terrified she was yet she remained calm throughout. Even when our parents decided to make her life more difficult and disown her she didn't let that effect Emma in any form. She has loved her daughter despite of everything and it says so much about her."

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