Chapter 9: The Flashback

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A/N: Listening to Made In The AM while writing this chapter....I'm in love 😍❤️

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Today was the day students were joining different clubs.

Of course, Jeremy -being Jeremy-, decided to join ALL of the clubs as possible. He would only join clubs that he thinks would fit him and his 'status' in school. Even though he wanted to join the football team (American football) or the soccer team, he'd only be made fun of. Apparently, you have to stick to the status quo; you have to stick with what you know.

Despite the fact that Jeremy wanted join all of the clubs, he only joined the clubs that 'nerds' joined.

He joined science club, English club, history club, math club, and robotics club. He's also the president of all the clubs he joined.

He eventually finished joining clubs and headed to his locker which was right next to one of his best friends' boyfriends. Devon was his name. Jeremy never really had a problem with his best friends' boyfriends. In fact, he thanked his best friends! If they didn't have those guys as their boyfriends, he would still get bullied by them.

Although, that wouldn't help the fact that he still gets bullied, but at least his bullies decreased in number. He's already quite close with Devon, Jack, and Marius. Right now, he had to deal with Callum.

In Jeremy's opinion, Callum is a good looking lad with a sense of humor. He knows that, because everyday he sees Callum with Devon, Jack, and Marius at the soccer field messing around and cracking jokes. But his only concern is that he gets bullied by Callum. Nothing major, but it's still bullying. He prays every night that Tiffany would just let her pride down and just say 'yes' to Callum! It sounds a bit selfish, but come on. All that Tiffany wants in a guy is in Callum! And if he's not mistaken, when they were 11 years old, Tiffany always -ALWAYS- say that she wants a guy who can play soccer, a guy who's tall, and a guy who's blonde. There are only bonuses like: Callum has blue eyes, he has a good sense of humor, and he's actually fun once you get to know him.

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Jeremy smiled at the thought of Tiffany finally agreeing to being Callum's girlfriend and at the thought of his bullies decreasing, because once he has Devon, Jack, Marius, and Callum (plus the girls) on his side, he won't get bullied anymore. Yay for Jeremy!

He arrived at his locker and fixed his stuff. Everyday before he goes home, Jeremy always fixes his stuff in locker. When he finished, he turned around only to see his best friends waiting for him.

"Geez Jer, this is why you take so long!" Tiffany whined.

"Tiff, relax-" Jeremy said but got interrupted by Tiffany who said,"Relax?! How can I relax?! We waited here for like a long time!"

"I-I'll buy you a cupcake!" Jeremy said as he prayed that would work to shut her up.

"Omg. Really?! I want a-"

"I know. A red velvet cupcake. I promise!"

"You're the best, Jeremy!"

"Um...guys we're here too you know." Rachelle rolled her eyes.

"Well, you speak too slow, Rach. So I had to speak first!" Tiffany said excited to go for cupcake.

"Guys, since it's Friday, I think we should hang out at the park!" Jessica suggested clearly bored.

"Yeah! That's a great idea! Just like old times!" Erica smiled her cute smile of hers.

"Cool. It'd be fun to reminisce." Jeremy added.

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