Chapter 32: Jennifer's 6th Birthday Party

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A/N: This will be based on the previous chapter.

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Today's the day day Jeremy's little sister, Jennifer, turns 6. Jeremy didn't want to be there, but he had no choice. That resulted to him not going to school. He told Tiffany that he wouldn't be able to go to school, because they had to prepare for Jennifer's birthday.

Jeremy woke up at 9 am to get a head start of his "eventful" and busy day. A few minutes later Hue, Jeremy's 15 year old brother, woke up. They both went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Ugh, I've been avoiding this day as much as possible." Hue groans, half-asleep.

"Same. She gets brattier and brattier. Don't get me started on what she'll act on her 16th birthday party!" Jeremy says in disgust.

"Yeah! She'll act like one of those bitches from MTV's 'Sweet Sixteen'." Hue agreed.

Whilst eating their breakfast, Hue and Jeremy heard the little brat come down the stairs. She eventually arrives at the dining area, and found her brothers eating Lucky Charms.

"Guess who's turning 6 today!" Jennifer shrieks.

"Let me guess...Shrek?" Jeremy says with a hint of sass, while Hue laughs his ass off.

"No! It's me! I'm turning 6!" Jennifer huffs.

Hue and Jeremy looked at her for a long time, until Jeremy shrugs and says, "I don't see any difference." 

"Jennifer got roasted!" Hue laughs whilst he and Jeremy gave each other a high-five.

An hour later Jeremy's mom, Kate, told him to get ready because he'll run some errands. After getting ready, he left the house at about 12 noon. He went to the mall and looked at the list that his mom gave him. He wished Hue was there to help him, but Hue was in charge of decorating. 

Jeremy ended up buying a pink princess dress, a pair of pink shoes, pink fairy wings, and a pink wand. Jeremy decided to eat lunch before finishing his "shopping spree". Of course, he ate at their restaurant. He and the girls eat for free there as long as he's there. If the girls eat there without him, they get a discount. 

After an hour, Jeremy finished and told the manager that he was already done eating and that they can clean up already. Being the kind person he is, Jeremy left a tip. When leaving the restaurant, Jeremy saw the girls going to different shops. He was thinking of approaching them, but decided not to. He's going to see them later anyway.

Jeremy bought the last on the list: cake. Jeremy bought her a pink cake that looks so disgusting he feels sorry for the kids who are going to actually eat it. 

Jeremy arrives home at 3:45 pm and placed the cake on the dining table. He went to Jennifer's room to give her all the shit he bought. He didn't actually buy it, because he didn't want to spend his money on his sister. It was from their mom and Jennifer's dad, Mr. Benett. 

 Jeremy was sent to the dining table to fetch the cake to bring to the backyard. The cake quite heavy, and it caused Jeremy to trip over his own feet. The cake fell and so did he. Chunks of cake and icing were everywhere even on Jeremy's shirt.  

Hue saw everything and helped Jeremy. As usual, Jeremy got scolded and told him to clean himself up. His mom cleaned the mess he made which caused her to be angrier.

"Clean up. Just relax." Hue says, helping Jeremy.

"But what about the cake?" Jeremy asks.

"I got it. Just take a shower or something then change your clothes." Hue smiles to which Jeremy returned before going upstairs to his room.

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