Chapter 15: "All I do is win, win, win, no matter what"

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Today's the day everyone's finding out who won student council president. Everyone was gathered in the gymnasium once again. The school principal, Mr. Ethan Nottingham, stood in front of everyone on a podium.

Mr. Nottingham, waited for the students to settle down. As the students were settled, Mr. Nottingham started,"Good morning, my dear students! I hope you're all doing well today. Before I announce our new student council president, I'd like to remind everyone that our school cafeteria is not a playground. Yesterday during lunch time I noticed students, specifically the seniors, are making a mess. This is a school, not a playground nor your house." He stated slightly angry. 

Everyone looked at each other in awkward silence, as Mr. Nottingham stared at everyone who dared to speak. "Now that that's finished," Mr. Nottingham started, "I'd like to announce our new student council president." he said as he opened an envelope -kinda like the envelopes used in Ms. Universe- where the name of the new SC president is. Mr. Nottingham opened the envelop to reveal the new SC president,"And the new student council president is.....Ms. Katie Lewis!" Some cheered, some clapped, and the rest were in total shock. 

The girls, their boyfriends, and Jeremy's jaws dropped in shock. "I can't believe your stupid cousin won, Cal." Rachelle said to Cal. Cal just looked at her with sorrow in his eyes,"On behalf of my cousin, I am very very very sorry. She doesn't know anything anyway. She's so stupid." Cal shook his head and face palmed. Katie stood up with a proud grin on her face. She walked up to the principal, shook his hand, and waved at everyone.

The principal's secretary looked at him weirdly and realized she'd given him the wrong envelope. She gave him the suspension envelope by accident. Embarrassed, the secretary walked up to the principal, explained everything, and gave him the REAL envelope.

"Wait." the principal started, "I'm afraid there was a mistake." Everyone gasped and Jeremy's eyes widen in hope. The principal opened the envelope, and grinned,"Please give a round of applause to our new student council president: Jeremy Xanders!" Everyone looked at Jeremy and clapped. The girls and their boyfriends clapped with glee as Jeremy stood up with his hands covering his mouth in pure shock. 

"Congratulations, Xanders. And I'm very sorry for the mix up." Mr. Nottingham said as he shook Jeremy's hand. Jeremy just nodded and shook his hand. Katie was extremely humiliated, and not only that. Mr. Nottingham told her about her suspension letter. Turns out that Katie's suspended for 1 week for bringing alcoholic beverages to school. 

* * * *

All of the students congratulated Jeremy on his win. Jeremy was smiling the whole day. 

"Jeremy!" the girls rushed to get to their now "famous" best friend. 

Jeremy looked at them and chuckled, "Hey girls! What's up?" 

"Not much." Rachelle answered.

"We just realized something." Jessica said.

"What is it?" Jeremy asked. Curious as to what they realized.

"We just realized how much we're going to miss keeping you all to ourselves. We have to share you now." Erica said sadly.

"Aww, girls. It's now my responsibility to be the best student council president." Jeremy answered.

"But Jer, you'll be busy with meetings and stuff. Sooner or later, we won't see you anymore. We won't hang out anymore and it's just really sad to think about. Don't you realize that?" Tiffany asked. 

Jeremy sighed and looked at his best friends,"Listen, I do realize it. I feel sad about it too. But I'll find a way for us to hang out again." 

The girls looked at him; eyes filled with hope, "Promise?"

"Promise." Jeremy replied.

"Wait. Since Jeremy won, shouldn't we like, I don't know, celebrate?!" Erica shrieked.

"Oh yeah! We should! When?" Tiffany asked.

"Well, since this plan of Erica is totally last minute, how about we celebrate on Friday? My treat!" Jeremy grinned. 

"Really?! OMG I'M SO EXCITED ALREADY!!" Jessica said out loud. The rest just chuckled as Jeremy replied a faint "Yeah." 

"Okay then. Now that that's settled, it's time for us to go. I don't know about you girls, but Devon and I are going out on a date. See you all tomorrow!" Rachelle said as she bid everyone a goodbye. 

"I have to get going too. Marius is sick, and I'm going to visit him. I guess I'll see you all tomorrow! Congrats again, Jeremy!" Erica said as she ran off to the school doors.

"Well, my dad wants me and Jack to check out the Schmaguar LA Branch. Bye!" Jessica ran off.

"I hate to break it to you Jer, but Cal and I have to go somewhere." Just as Tiffany said that, Cal ran up to her and Jeremy.

"Yo! Jeremy! Mah president!" Cal said as he gave Jeremy a fist bump. "Congrats on the win. But I have to steal your best friend for today, because it's her turn for movie night." Cal added as held both of Tiffany's hands.

"Movie night? Isn't movie night every Friday?" Jeremy asked about the sudden change of schedule.

"Well, yeah. It's still every Friday, but there's nothing to do. Dad's at France, mom's on a business trip, and Tyler will be coming home on Thanksgiving. So, it's just me." Tiffany said.

"Oh I see. Well, you guys have fun!" Jeremy said as he starts fixing his locker.

"Okay. Congrats again, Jer. Toodles!" Tiffany wave goodbye and so did Cal as they exited the school. 

* * * *

After Jeremy left the school, he went straight to the cemetery. He went to his father's grave and sat down in front of it.

"Hey dad," Jeremy started, "guess what? You're now looking at the newest president of the student council!" Jeremy smiled widely.

"I know you were there earlier. I felt it. I just feel like coming here to tell you personally." Jeremy said.

"Mom's been really happy with Mr. Logan. Hue and I still haven't found the need to call him 'dad', because he'll never be our dad; he'll never be you. I know that if you were here, and if you and mom were separated, you'd want us to call him our dad, because he supports us." Jeremy frowned.

"Hue and I really really miss you, dad. We wish you were here. Anyway, I just dropped by to tell you the news. Oh and Tiffany's family renovated our restaurant. Don't worry, dad. Tiffany kept all of your vintage stuff, and she requested them to be hung at the restaurant. That's really nice of her to do that, and she's finally going out with Callum. Or should I say 'Cal' seeing as he prefers to be called by that name." Jeremy offered a small smile.

"Well, I guess I should go now. Bye, dad! Hue and I love you so much." Jeremy said as he stood up and walked away.

* * * *

A/N: Congrats Jeremy!!

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