Chapter 13 ~ An Awkward Subject

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  At the next stop Skylar moved into the passenger seat and Sam starts driving.

Skylar panted heavily as she ran through crowds of frantic people.The voice was back. She wanted Skylar. "All you need to do is say yes..." it spoke. It was raspy but it sounded like it was slowly regaining its strength. "Give in... Stop running..."

  Skylar tries to scream, but a burning sensation flows through her lungs.

  “Stop fighting..."

  Skylar's eyes snap open and she sits up, trying to appear calm.

  “Hey, I was wondering when you were gonna wake up," Sam says lightly. "I need to know what exit to take."

  "Where are we?" Sky asks drowsily, yawning.

  "Ozona, Texas," Sam responds.

  “Ozona," Skylar repeats, thinking. "Well then, we should probably stop for breakfast." She looks into the backseat, to see both Dean and Castiel asleep, Castiel still in Dean's lap.

  "So, are they... I mean... together?" Sky asks uncertainty, wondering if she was crossing a line.


  “Well... they're just so... ya know..."

  “We're still debating," Sam chuckles.


  "Me and Kevin."

  “So they don't know..." she asks.

  "I think it's a sub-conscious knowledge." he explains.

  "Okay..." She pauses. "That’s gotta be akward for you."

  "Whatta' you mean?" he asks.

   “Your friend and your brother. All that sexual tension..."

  “I try not to dwell on it."

  They drive over a speed bump and Dean jerks awake "Hey, what're you guys talking about?" he asks, yawning. 

  "Umm..." Sam says, mentally panicking slightly.

  "We were thinking about stoping to get breakfast," she says as Sam looks at her with a silent 'Thank you'.

  "Breakfast? What time is it?" Dean says, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  "Around five thirty," Sam answers.

  “Five thirty? In the morning?" Dean complains. "What do you two have against sleep?"

  “So you don't want food?" Skylar asks.

  "What?! No! I'm starving..."

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