Chapter 19 ~ Sweetheart

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  Butch carried Skylar for almost an hour before they had to stop. Skylar dismounted the horse and stroked his mane. She turned away to scan the feilds below the hill they had stopped on. When she turned back around, Butch was gone.

  "Butch? Butch? Where are ya' big guy?" She whistles to get his attention. "Butch!" She turns around to see a boy, about fifteen years old, standing where the horse had stood.

  He had an impish smile and dark curly hair. He was wearing a plaid shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. He looked at Skylar like she had just told him a funny joke. 

  "Who are you? What did you do with the angel? Where is my horse?!"

  The boy just smiled.

  "Where's my horse?!"

  No answer. 

  "Fine. You got a name?" she asks, annoyed and upset.

  "Call me Gabe."

  "Well, Gabe. I'm assuming that you're the one that's responsible for the dissapearing animals."

  "The horse was the only anima--" he starts to protest

  "Angels are animals in my book."

  "Oh... then, woof," he chuckles.


  Back at the diner, Dean hadn't even touched his food. Sam tries to talk to him, but he refuses to listen. “Dean-"

  "Not in the mood to talk right now, Sammy," he grumbles.

  "They'll be here," he says confidently.

  "You can't know that. What if something happens to hi- them."

  "Then we'll find 'them.' But this is Skylar's territory. She knows the place better than either of us. We have to trust her."


  Skylar tackled the angel and pulled out her blade. "Now, since you're paying attention, where's my horse?!"

  "Hey, hey! Can't we just talk about this?!"

  "We are talking," she growls.

  "Without angel swords, please," Gabriel asks tentatively. 

  "No, I like my way better," she says, resting the blade against the angel's throat.

  "Well, when you put it that way..."


  Dean watched as the bikers pulled up in front of Reggie's diner. He knew something wasn't right. The bikers walked in and settled down in the booth behind Dean. Dean shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  Teresa looked cautiously over the counter. “Hey, sweetheart! How 'bout taking our order?!" one of the bikers yell rudely at Teresa.

  She walks over to the table, not looking the biker in the eye. "Welcome to Reggie's, I'm Rease, can I take your order?"

  "Oh, yeah, you can take my order anyday, babe," the biker says suggestively.

   "Ew," Rease says, her nose scrunching up in disgust.

  The bikers laugh, and when they open their eyes, they flash black. Teresa steps back. "Sorry, we don't serve your kind..." Dean and Sam turn to look at the scene behind them.

  "You're gonna regret that comment, sweetheart," the biker demon remarks.

  Teresa runs behind the counter and the bikers eyes turn full black. The Winchesters jump up and block the demons from reaching the counter.

  Dean pulls out his demon knife and stabs the bigger demon, instantly forcing it out of its new host. Sam, unarmed tackled the other one and yelled at his older brother for the knife. Sam jumps up, and Dean thrusted the blade through the biker's skull.

  "Well, that was fun," Dean says sarcastically.

Teresa cocks a shotgun. "What. The. Hell."

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