Chapter 23 ~ The Car Ride Home

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The Impala was silent for the first three hours on the road. The car was filled with tension. Finally, Gabriel decided to try and 'break the ice'. "So... how've you been?" he asks with a joking smile.

"What have you done?"Castiel asks. His tone was quiet, but a growl of anger seeped into his deep voice.

"Did you ever hear the joke about the priest and the horse?" Silence. "No? Okay, well the priest says--"

"Gabriel!" Castiel yells, startling everyone, making Dean swerve.

"Yes, brother dearest?" Gabe grins mockingly at Castiel.

"What have you done?" This time, his anger was defined in his words.

"I'm not sure what you mean..." Gabriel replies, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"What vile sin did you commit to bring yourself back? Why are you here?!" he asks harshly, raising his voice slightly on his last words.

"I didn't do anything." His composure was clear and he looked at Castiel with all seriousness.

"You're lying," Castiel growled.

"No." He sighed. "I just woke up. I didn't know what was going on, and the last thing I remembered was the flames consuming me and my host," he glared at the brothers in the front seat, both of them avoiding hours eyes. "I heard Nathan, my ongoing host," he pointed to his new body. "He was willing to take me... to let me possess him... I honestly don't know how I'm alive."

'I Love Rock 'N Roll' by Joan Jett starts playing loudly from the driver's seat "Dammit," Dean mutters. He pulls his phone from his pocket and answers it. "Hello?"

Skylar's voice is easily heard through the phone, because Dean has the sound turned up all the way. Her voice distorted through the speaker. "Is everything okay in there? I saw the Impala swerve."

"Yeah, it's great-- Look, can we talk later, I'm trynna' drive here." Dean replies. He sounded really irritated by her interruption.

"Geez, ya' don't have to get all bitchy about it," she quips. Sam snickers.

"Bitch," Dean says to his brother.


"Excuse me?!" Skylar's voice yells through the speaker, thinking Dean's 'bitch' comment

"Not you, Sky," Dean says into the phone. Skylar scoffs and hangs up. "So anyway... we were talkin' 'bout possessing teenagers, right?" Castiel glares at Dean.

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