Chapter 24 ~ A Different Kind of Hunter

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  The tension in the Impala did not lesson, and continued until they all reached the Bunker. When they reached the Bunker, everyone climed out of the Impala and truck. Skylar walks over to the back of the Impala and waits for Sam to pull out the trunk. They each grab one side and follow Dean into the Bunker.

  "Hey, you're back," Kevin greets them as they walk down the stairs.

  "Really? I didn't notice. Thank you, Captain Obvious," Dean snaps. He was obviously cranky from the long drive back. Kevin ignores Dean's sarcastic reply and turns to Skylar, as she and Sam walk into the library.

  "So, did you find out anything?" he asks them.

  "Not exactly, but we brought some souvenirs," Sky smirks. They set the trunk onto a table with a loud 'thud'.

  “What’s that?" Kevin asks. Sam opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by the sound of the door slamming.

  "Gabriel how do you expect me to believe that you just randomly come back, and that you have no idea how?!" Castiel booms, clearly frustrated. "I am not that naïve, brother," he sneers. He loomed over Gabriel, which was possible now, due to the fact he was now in the form of a fifteen year old boy.

  "I told you, I don't know what happened, and I meant it Cas. For once, this isn't a trick."

  Cas stands silently in front of him, watching for any signs he is lying. Finally he sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "Fine," he mutters, walking over to the table where Sam, Skylar and Kevin are watching. He places himself in a chair, refusing eye contact with anyone.

  Dean comes back to the library from the garage, after showing Teresa around the Bunker. She strolls in and sits down next to where Skylar is standing.

  "So," Kevin says, "you came back with two extra people and a dirty old trunk."

  Dean rolls his eyes. "Kevin, this is Teresa; Teresa this is Kevin, our prophet. And that is Gabriel," he explains.

  "Hi," Kevin says to Rease, who waves back. "Umm, I thought Gabriel was supposed to be dead."

  "He is supposed to be dead," Cas says.

  "Oh, okay..." Kevin shrugs, still confused. "So what's in the big box?"

  "Dunno," Sam says. "We kinda just stole it from Skylar's grandfather."

  "This is the trunk where I found the angel blade," Sky explains. "It also had his journal, which basically tells a ton of stuff 'bout various beings. It's where I learned all about angels, demons, vamps, wolves an' so on. it might also be able t' tell us why Gramps has, or had, an angel sword."

  "Well then let's open 'er up," Dean says, coming to stand behind Skylar.

  Sam tries to lift the lid, but it appears to be jammed shut. "Dean, a little help here?" he asks his brother.

  Dean also tries to open the trunk, with Sam's help, but to no avail. "What the hell?" the older Winchester mutters.

  Kevin and Cas grabs ahold of the box's lid as well, and all four men (well, two men, a teenager, and angel) were still unable to pry it open.

  "What the heck?! Why won't this damn thing open?! It won't budge!" Dean complains. "How'd you get it open the first time?" he questions, turning and pointing directly at the teenage girl.

  "I dunno," Skylar shrugs, "It just opened when I touched it."

  "Try it," Sam suggests, eyebrows furrowed.

  "If you four couldn't open it, why do ya' think I can?"

  "Just try it," he insists, watching her movements with a curious expression.

  Skular timidly steps forward and grabs the lid. A lock pops open on the inside at her touch, and she throws the trunk open.

  "How the hell did you do that?" Teresa asks quietly, staring at her in awe.

  "Uhh, I dunno... Maybe Gramps put some spell on it where only a Daley can open it. I mean, I am his granddaughter," she says.

  Everyone in the room is looking directly at her or the trunk as she empties it's contents onto the table. Eyes widened as she pulls out three angel swords, seventeen journals, two rifles, a pistol, five strangely shaped assorted blades, salt rounds, silver bullets, and a box of silver and iron pendants. Soon, a few latin books and lore stories, along with a few large cans of salt were placed among the other items. Skylar closed the now empty trunks with a small thud, and Sam carefully set it on the ground. For a few moments, everyone stood in silence while examining Gramps' possessions.

  "Well, I think it's safe t' say your Gramps is a hunter," Dean says, breaking the silence.

  "No shiz, Sherlock," Skylar retorts with a dramatic eye roll.

  "Everyone knows that Gramps Daley is a hunter. Why is that such a surprise?" Teresa asks, as if that fact was the most obvious thing in the world.

  "What?" Skylar asks. "I didn't know!"

  "How could you possibly miss that? He's got taxadermy animals lyin' 'round all over the place," Teresa continues obliviously.

  Skylar sighs. "Not that kind of hunter, Rease. He hunts paranormal crap. Like demons, witches, fairies and djinn. Ghosts, banshees, zombies, vampires, all those monsters are real. All of it, not just demons. People like me, like Gramps, and these guys here," she gestures to the Winchesters, "we hunt them. That's my job."

  "And looks like your grandpa was thorough with his work. These journals are completely full with research. He was a professional," Sam adds.

  "Well, I guess we know why he has an angel blade. Only thing is, why does he have four of them? Where did he get 'em?" Dean says.

  Skylar suggests, "Why don't we look through the journals and see what we can find?"


A/N: Sorry this took so long to update. I've been trying to work on my reader insert requests (yes I'm still taking requests, but it will probably take me a while to write them). Plus I've been having some depressing/motivation issues. Hopefully I'll get some more writing done by the end of the week and I'll try to post more often.

Also, I'm going to self-promote here (because I can. sorry not sorry)

Could you guys be awesome and go follow me on Instagram? My username is @/skylarforthewin just like on here. Thanks!!

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