Ch2: Will

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A/N: This is Chapter 2 and I hope it will be good.

~Y/N's POV~

Reverse Falls. I missed you so much. I missed the people in the town. I missed Mabel. I missed Dipper and of course, I missed Veorica. Wait.... Veorica!

"Dipper! What happend to Veorica?!" I asked as I was worried... no... super worried about her.

Dipper looked at me and said, "Veorica? She's living in your room of the apartment you used to live in.".

I smiled and started to run. "Hey Dipper! Where are we going?" I asked.
"To your apartment. AKA to Veorica." Dipper replied.
"Please run Dipper! I can't wait to meet others again!" I said as I started pulling Dipper, forcing him to run.

"Ok, ok." Dipper replied and also started running with me.

Soon, we reached my former apartment room and we rang the doorbell. And soon the door opened.
"Y/N? Is that you? What? Why? How?" Veorica looked at in surprise, but gave me a tight, but not too tight hug.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N. You're alive!" Mabel said as she went to hug for me.

"I guess I am." I said. I noticed that there were more than one shoe at the front door and guessed that there were more of their friends at my former room.

"OMG! Y/N! Is that you?!" Wendy came out of the libing room amd called everyone to follow her.

"Y/N!!! You're alive!!! Kyaaaaah!!!!!" Pacifica yelled as Candy, Grenda, and my other two friends came in to hug me.

"Wait. Why are you guys all gathered up?" I asked as they let go of me.

"We were finishing up the making and preparing of the offerings that we were supposed to bring to your mini shrine, that we beautifully made, since it aas going to be the 4th year since your death. Buuut.... Now that you're alive, lets just say that these are for your ressurection thing. Soooo, Happy Ressurection Day!!" Pacifica said with her usual happy self and I thanked all of them.

"So you've been doing this for the past 3 years since my death?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Aaaww. Thanks guys! I appreciate it a lot!" I said.

"But the question is, how are you still alive? We've been searching on spells that would resurrect ypu from the dead and we found none!" Veorica said.

Just then, I felt a presence of another Dreamon. But he/she seemed to be a weak one.

I walked into the living room to find a boy around 18~22 years old. He had a pale skin, light blue hair that covered his right eye and his right eye was covered with a bandage that made it cover his head with a little bandage.

(bandage-the thing you wrap around a deep or major wound, to keep the wound from opening up.

I guess it's something like that.)

"You. You're than one who brought me back to life... You're the one! Right?" I asked as he looked nervous or uncomfortable.

He nodded a yes. "Will!! Thank you so much!! I'm alive again because of you!!" I said as I hugged him and let go of him.

"You helped her, Will?" Dipper asked as his face aas soft.

"Y-y-yes, master. W-why do you a-ask?" Will said as he looked really scared. As if Dipper might hurt Will physically and emotionally.

As Dipper walked towards Will, Will just closed his eyes shut, as if he was going to get punished. But instead, Will was pulled into Dipper's gentle hug. A sincere one that is.

~Will's POV~
That was the first time that Master Dipper had ever hugged. I felt somewhat... I felt like happy yet nervous at the same time. It was one of the greatest moment in my life.

Master Dipper lets go of me and gave me the stone. 2 stones to be exact. It was the one Master Dipper and Master Mabel owned. To be honest, it was the stones that had my powers kept inside.

As I recieved them im my hands, I looked up at them, confused.

"W-what is this for Master Dipper and Master Mabel?" I asked.

"You've brought Y/N back to life and that was my wish and you granted it. So now, you get what you deserve. And you can just call me Dipper now. Same goes for Mabel. No more Master." Dipper said as I gained my power back.

"Thank you Mas- I mean Dipper." I thanked.

~Y/N's POV~

Wait... They know each other?!

"So, since when did you guys, Mabel and Dipper, know Will?" I asked them.

"Right after you went back to (country) due to your family issues and stuff. Oh, and shouldn't you call your mom? Saying that you're alive again?" Dipper asked.

I just remembered mom and searched my pocket for my phone. "I don't have my phone! What should I do?!" I panicked for a while and Veorica handed me a smart phone which magically appeared in her hand. Looks like a new one.

"Thanks! Wait, I forgot my mom's phone number!!" I panicked again.

"09XX-XXX-XXX. Your mom's phone number." Will said and we all looked at him.

"Hey. I'm a Dreamon too." Will said and I giggled as I dialed the number.

"Yes? Hello?"

"Mom? It's me, Y/N. I know it's weird but I'm alibe again. I don't know how but-"

"Y/N?!? Is that really you?!?"

"Yeah mom. It's me. I'm sorry that I've made you lonely for the past 4 years."

"It's fine, dear. Where are you now?"

"I'm at my old mansion. In Reverse Falls."

"I've always had hope that I would be able to be with you again. I'm going to visit Reverse Falls in a few days so until then, take care of yourself."

"Of course mom. You too. Bye"

And with that, the phone call ended.

A/N: Heyyy!!! Sorry for late update and all those who read my previous reverse dipper x reader fanfic, thank you guys so much!! I am so happy and I hope you guys will keep supporting my book! Lol. Demandful? Hehehe. Sorry. Bye!

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