Ch9: Back To Normal

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-Y/N's POV-
What happend? Oh. I remember. I was eaten by my pet.

Wait... that's not it. I defeated Valora... and... !!!

I need to go and apologise and explain everything!!!

"Waaaah!!!!" I screamed causing Will and Veorica to jump up in surprise.

"What happend?!?! Dreamon in your mind?!?!" Veo asked and I turned my head to Veo and Will.

"I need to apologise to Dipper!! And Pacifica!! And Mabel!!" I panicked and got off of my bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

-15 minutes later-

I freshened up as fast as I could and peeked out of the door to tell Will to go out of the room for a while. Will nodded and left the room.

"Hey, Veo! What should I wear?? I don't want something flashy or cool! I want something like fluff! Not fluffy but like..... cute, I guess...." I said and eventually trailed off to my imagination.

"Sure! Anything for my best friend!" Veo exclaimed and snapped her fingers. A simple (fav.color) dress and (white/black) flats appeared on my now tidied bed.

I hugged and thanked Veorica and I went back into the bathroom to change.

But I came out with my normal clothes on instead.

"Why?" Veo asked.

"Cause I want to give them some cookies or cake as an apology offering thing?..." I said and glanced at the floor.

"Good choice. Now come on and let's go!" Veo grabbed my wrist and led me to the... wall?!?!

"Wait!! Veorica!! Are you crazy?!?! GWAAAAH!!!!" I closed my eyes shut and got ready for the impact but it never came.

I finally opened my eyes and I was at the other side of the wall.

"Woah... what just happend?..." I was a bit confused and bit curious but over all, I was excited.

"You're a dreamon, remember?" Veorica said and I remembered.

"Oh yeah..." I said.

"You should eat breakfast first." Veorica suggested and she was right.

"Yeah... you're right. Let's go get Will first."

We went to the living room and saw Will reading a book. I think it was Maximum Ride.

(A/N:does anyone know this book?? By James(??) Patterson, was it? I forgot but this author and I love this series and also the book Daniel... something. He defeats aliens and he has the power to create. Please comment the title if you know what I'm talking about! m(_ _)m  It's been long since I've read the book and I need to know the title again!! Woops!! Bact to the story!)

"Hey Will. We're gonna eat breakfast first and make some cake for the others as an apology gift thing." Veo said as she walked up to Will.

"Oh. Ok." He said and stood up.

Meanwhile, I was trying to float and for some unknown reason, I was able to do it successfully. How strange. It was as if I was used to this.

"Oh my gosh! How did you know how to float, Y/N?" Veo asked in surprise.

"I have no idea... it's like I'm used to magic or something. I mean, I was using magic when Valora possessed me but I wasn't the one in control of my actions. I was just an audience who could probably do nothing but sit back and watch, at that time." I said. It sounded depressing.

"Okay? What do you want for breakfast?" Will asked.

"(Food of your choice)"

"Waffles with ice cream."

"Okay." Will took our orders and clapped his hands twice.

"Yeay!!! Food!!!" Veorica and I exclaimed, and started to eat with the food on the small coffee table while sitting on the couch.


After we were done eating, we washed the dishes, and suddenly, Veorica said something so important.

"Isn't today Valentines day?"

"*Gasp!!!!*" I forgot about Valentines!

"Let's make chocolates for everyone, shall we?" Veorica suggested and I nodded, while going to the kitchen. Will followed us from behind.


Veorica first made the ingredients appear, then Will made the untensils that we were going to use.

Uhhh......and blah blah... i don't want to explain what happend 'cause we're just making chocolates and it is gonna make me distracted if I make and explain at the same time.

~~Time Skip brought to you by BillDip fanfics~~(AN:sorry. not sorry)

I made 20 chocolates that were heart in shape and they were in different colors.

They were for my friends and the left overs will be mine.

I made special ones for Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, Veorica, and Will because they are the important people in my life. It had more than the one for my friends.

As for my mom, since she can't go to Reverse Falls now, I'll text or call her.

I quickly went to my room and changed my clothes. I asked Veorica to teleport us 3 to Dipper's house and she agreed, so I grabbed the bag that was filled with chocolates.

-Dipper's POV-

-At Dipper's House-

Y/N has been missing for months and everyone is worried... if only I dodged Pacifica's move.

"Dipper?" A familiar voice cLled out.

"Y/N?" I turned around and it really was her.

Tears formed in my eyes and I ran over to hug her.

"I-I'm sorry for the last few months. I was possessed... I'm sorry for making you guys worry a lot." Y/N apologized and I shook my head sideways.

"It's not your fault to begin with, Y/N. I'm sorry too." I apologized too and kissed her on the lips.

"By the way, today's valentines."
I reminded her.

"Oh yeah. By the way, here's some chocolate. Happy Valentines!" She said and gave him the chocolate.

"Thanks a lot, Y/N!!" I thanked, took the chocolate and placed it on my bedside table.

"Now, you need to explain the situation to is, 'kay?" I told her.

"Yeah. I know. And apologize too." She said.

"Well then, let's go!" I said with happiness in my tone.

She's finally back!


-Please Read-
A/N: Hey!! Sorry for slow updates! I'm also busy with school stuff too. Bleh! Anyways, thank you for your continious support!!

And remember!

Tbe reality is an illusion and the universe is a hologram!! Buy Gold, Byyyeee!!!!!

Bill: hey!! That's my line!! Well bye, kiddos! Thanks for reading! Bye!

Author: Hey!! That's my line!

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