Ch4: One Will Win, Other Will Lose

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~Y/N's POV~

I was now prepared. She had invited me into her mansion. Of course Will and Veorica was beside me. Just that they were only seen by me and no one else.

"So, Y/N, right? It seemed that you didn't listen to what I said." Uta girl said and how in the hell does she know my name?!

"You know what means right? It means war." She said in a serious tone.

I then caught a glance of Veorica and Will starting to video record. And I held back my smirk.

She grabbed a knife from her pocket and pointed it at me.

"I will kill you!" Uta girl said as she ran towards me.

I dodged every slash of her knife.

After all those training, she looked weaker to me.

"Why not let me win? You can't dodge forever. Even if the pain is more fun together." Uta girl said but I ignored.

I was happy that her mansion was big. I ran everywhere but she was still behind me.

I grabbed a blanket that I saw on the ground and threw it over her. And while she was struggling, I hid in a place that Uta girl would have a hard time finding, along with Will and Veo.

"Oh, Y/N~! Come out, come out where ever you are." I heard Uta girl's voice coming closer to where I am.

I flinched when I heard her footsteps coming closer and closer until she stopped.

"Well, I guess she isn't here." Uta girl said as I heard her skip away.

I whispered to Veorica to check if Uta girl was still near my hiding spot.

I tried to get out but eventually, I was found by Uta girl. She trapped me and now, I was under her.

"Found ya~! But too bad. I have to say goodbye now." Uta girl said. She gripped her knife tightly and added. "Goodbye!"

Suddenly, the door opened and it made Uta girl flinch, causing her to miss my head. But unfortunately, the knife is now.... stabbed to my shoulder....

"Uta girl?... Her? She did this...." A man said and I turned my head to where it was coming from. My vision was a little blurry but I knew it was the cops.

"But! No! I-I didn't do this!" Uta girl protested but Veorica showed up in her human form and showed the man the video of Uta girl trying to kill me.

"What?! Where did you get that?! How dare you?!" Uta girl said and pointed at Veorica.

"How dare me? How dare you! You didn't even greet me when I came here with Y/N. What a bad manner." Veorica said and I could see her trying to hold a smirk.

I snickered and took out the knife from my shoulder, because I was bold enough to? I mean, it hurts but it's better if I take it out.

"Fudge! Oww!! Shouldn't have took it out myself!!!" I cried out in pain, throwing the knife on the floor as I sat on the sofa nearby.

"You ok?" Will whispered to me. He was still only seen by me. I nodded my head in respond as a 'yes'. But my pain soon faded away. I think Will did this.

"Thanks!" I whispered to him.

"Let's go, Uta girl. You're under arrest." The man said and Uta girl was taken away. Uta girl is a celebrity and is bold. But I've never heard anyone saying that she was rrally smart. Lol. Sucks to be you, Uta girl.

"We already called the ambulance and it's on its way." One of the cops said before leaving.

"Well, thanks for helping me, guys! I'm not dead! Again! Thank you so much!" I said and hugged Will and Veorica.

"Your welcome." Veo said.

"Of course. You are our friend, after all." Will said with a small smile.

I'm lucky. To have friends with me.

A/N: I know it sucked and I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry also for late update.

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