Ch12: My Mind

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I graduated!! Yayayay!!!!


-Y/N's POV-

I went to call Veorica as soon as I woke up. It was still around 3:00 am, but nah. Demons just needs rest. Not sleep. Right?

"Veo! Veo! Veo! Veo! Veo!!! Wake-y, wake-y!!" I shook Veorica violently, trying to wake her up.

"Hoooly!! Shit!! What happend?!" Veo shot up and her forehead accidentally hit mine.

"FUCK! OWW!!" We both groaned and held our forehead in pain.

"Ugh.... anyway, Bill was in my dream!! And before you say 'what' or anything that cuts me off, my dream was about a younger version of me and Bill, but instead of being in Reverse Falls, I was in Gravity Falls, if you know where Gravity Falls is!" I stopped and trued to catch my breath.

"Oh my gosh... So you want us to go to the past and confirm if it was real or not?" Veo asked and she got it right.

"Yeah! But can you do it?" I asked.

"Well, I could but it's kinda risky, so I'd rather not. I can do restoration magic, though. I can bring back your memory. Or I can go through your memories." Veorica said and I let her do the work.

Veo and I went to the living room with the lights turned on. I lied down on the sofa, facing the ceiling.

"Hey, can you play music, please? Like those calm ones? Like Staccato Patchwork (Vocaloid song), La Vie en Rose (French song), Mad Head Love (Japanese song) or some (piano/violin/viola etc.)? I'm kind of nervous..." I said.

"Yup. I the way you talk is much different than normal." Veo snapped her fingers and her phone and a Bluetooth speaker appeared on the coffee table infront of the sofa.

I smiled and thanked her.

"Okay. We're now gonna start. This might take a while. Now, close your eyes and try to fall asleep." Veo instructed and I did what she told me to.

Soon, I fell asleep, not bothering what's happening with the outside.

-Veorica's POV-

I entered her mind and began searching through it. It was..... weird. It had changed since tbe first time we met. But it was not not Bill-Cipher-kind-of-weird. It was colorful and there were lots of magical stuffs. And anime characters and the hall of Dipper G. Lol.

I floated farther and farther and I saw a signage that said 'Forgotten Keeps'.

I opened the gate and saw a garden of withered roses. I widened my eyes in shock. There were lots of doors and each of them were in different colors but they were all in a darker shade.

It was straight down creepy. But I had to find her lost memory. For Y/N.

I let all the doors open and I started floating by each of them, giving the memory a good look.

Most of her childhood memories were formed in Gravity Falls and there were only around 2 to 3 forgotten memories which were made in Reverse Falls.

"Strange...." I muttered to myself.

I finally found couple of triangular doors that was in the shade of yellow. At that moment, I had already guessed that they were all memories that included Bill.

I looked at the doors closely and noticed individual, faint glowing, yellow chains embracing each doors.

It was hard to open for normal people but demons would be able to easily open them.

I broke the chains with my power and the broken chains lost its glow.

I twisted the door knob and opened it.

It was the young version of Y/N and Bill talking. What I only heard was:

Bill-"How about a deal, kid? I promise to give you powers, but in return, You have to be my friend. Deal?"

Y/N-"No catch?"

Bill-"No catch. I promise."

Y/N-"Well then, deal!"

They shook their hands and the scene switched to Bill teaching Y/N how to use magic.

It was kinda sweet but also suspicious.

I opened the next door and it was young Y/N with 3 bullies surrounding her.

Their leader was about punch her but Bill grabbed her wrist tight, too tight, and that probably made a bruise.

The leader winced and pulled back her hand which Bill gladly let go of.

I was right. There was a mark on her wrist. The bullies went away and Y/N thanked Bill.

I went to the other door and..... I saw chaos....

Life  : Reverse! Dipper x reader(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now