Ch11: Dream Or Memory?

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A/N: March 20-22 is periodical exam and it's the most difficult test to most people, but here I am. Still proudly surfing through internet, watching videos, playing games and using Wattpad, while I only study for 30 mins to 1 hour and 30 mins. I'm proud. And the thing is, I'm going to graduate this year!! Lol! And to be honest..... I'm sorry for lying... i'm actually 14..... i said I was 17 on other stories and I'm sorry...  please forgive me.....

m(^_ _^)m

And I'm happy my parents does not know I read lemons and smuts.



-Y/N's POV-
-In Y/N's Dream-
I opened my eyes and saw gravity falls instead of reverse falls.

It was bright etcetera. But there was something different.

I looked around and notice someone who I seemed to know. It was the younger me! And I was around 12 years old.

She was sitting on a bench, looking at buildings and small animals from time to time.


Y/M-Younger Me
She- y/m


I floated over to (Y/M) to get a closer look. She was holding a sketchpad and a pencil and I remembered something.

I don't think I was from Reverse falls from the start.

I decided to follow (Y/M) and find out the ending of the story.

She kept on drawing until I saw a particular yellow triangle.

"Yellow, kid! Name's Bill!! Nice to meet 'ya, Y/N!" Bill greeted and immediately, Y/M flinched. She scooched back with wide eyes as she saw Bill, the yellow doritos chip.

"Shit.... Holy fuck!! Please don't hurt me!! I still want to live!! AAAAGH!!!" Y/M screamed and I snickered. I was cursing a lot even at a young age.

"Take some chill pill, kid! How about this?" Bill snapped his fingers and blue flames enveloped him.

For a moment, Y/N seemed a bit worried as she neared the flame-covered Bill.

"There! How about now?" Bill asked and the flames disappeared. A human formed Bill came out and Y/M felt relieved.

"So~? What do you think?" Bill asked.

"Uh.... cute?" She replied and blushed a bit.

"Why, thank you! Hey wan'na make a deal?" Bill asked.

I widened my eyes when Bill said deal. I didn't make a single deal with him!!

"What deal?" Y/M asked.

"I'll make you a demon, so that you could use magic and live longer, and I'll get what I want in return! Get it?"

"I think so. So what do you want?" Y/M asked.

"I want you to be my friend and stay by my side. That's it. And no catch." What?!!? This is unexpecting!!

"Sure. Why not?" She said.

"Deal!" Bill said and let out a flame-covered hand.

Y/M hesitated but took his hand.


There was a sudden flash of light and I closed my eyes and covered it with my hands.

-Back in reality-

"*GASP!*...... Was that a dream? Or my lost memory?" I was confused.

The memory looked so realistic but it was in a dream....

...... Yeah. It's just a dream.

'Or is it?'

I'm sorry it was short.

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