Ch 18: My Choice

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Dipper Gleeful had appeared. Y/N L/N will...


what will you do??

-Y/N's POV-

"Dipper? Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry I left!" I apologised bowing slightly.

"Y/N!!!! I was so worried about you!!! I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help this time...." He looked a bit depressed.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm here now..... Dipper? Are you alright?" I asked, cupping his cheek with one of my eyes as I looked at him in the eyes. Deep, beautiful, blue eyes......... lapis lazuli.

"Yeah. Why?" Dipper didn't stutter but I noticed the shake in his voice.

"You have slight eyebags.... have you been staying up too late?" I asked him, my hands moving to his hands, and taking them gently.

"You should rest more okay?" I grabbed his hand and opened a portal which led to Dipper's villa.

"Guys, let's go. It's getting dark anyways." I said and went through the portal.

"By the way, did you text or call me back at Reverse falls?" I asked as soon as I stepped out ofthe portal.

"Nope. Not at all. Why?" He answered.

"Hmm..... cause last time I texted Mason and Mabel Pines, the message was sent and my guess earlier today was probably wrong. And yes. I just realised that now." I added.

"Well..... you really should explain what happend while I wasn't with you. It's quite complicating, you know?" Dipper smiled and so I did.

"Yeah I will. As a bedtime story cause you're gonna sleep after dinner." I laughed and went to the kitchen.


Mabel, Veorica and I finished cooking for dinner and we went our seperate ways to call the others for dinner. I went to find Dipper and found him laying on the sofa. He was asleep and he looked so cute. Like.... really cute.

Should I wake him up or wait for him to wake up??

A) Wake him up

B) Wait for him to wake up

A) Wake him up:

"Hey... Dipper? Dipper~" I cooed into his ears and shook his body slightly, patting at his arm from time to time.

"Ngh....... ??? Y/N?...." Dipper slowly sat up and looked at me.

"You should eat first and sleep after that. And you're bedhead is cute." I smiled and Dipper attempted to fix his bedhead. Sofa-head maybe? He was sleeping on a sofa after all.

"Well, let's eat." Dipper said and we both entered the dining room.


-Timeskip brought you by Otaku-med.
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Dinner had ended and I told Dipper to take a bath or a shower before going to bed. In the meantime, I went into my room and began taking a shower. Once I was done, I grabbed a jogging pants and shirt as my pajamas, and went to Dipper's room.

A while later, Dipper came out of the bathroom with only a towel that was wrapped around his waist.

"Well, hello there, beautiful~ Like watch you see?~" He winked at me and I giggled.

"Fuhaha! Stop playing and just get into your clothes." I said and took his pajamas that was on the bed. I only got a chuckle in response as Dipper went back to the bathroom. A few minutes after that, Dipper layed on his bed, right next to me.

"Now, story time. Tell me what I missed." Dipper said and let out a yawn.

"Okay okay. So..."


I opened my eyes and realised that the room was bright. I closed my eyes shut as my head started to ache.

"Ugh..... Damn light......" I hid under the blanket and.... wait. Blanket?

I sat up and looked around me. I was in a room. To my left, I saw a sleeping figure of Dipper.

"Y/N..... what? Why are you in my bed?........." Dipper asked groggily.

"That's my question. Though, I don't know.... anyways, I have to cook breakfast. So see you later!" I left his room and skipped away to the kitchen with a faint smile.

B) Wait for him to wake up:

I sat on a sofa near him and took out my phone as I decided to wait for him to wake up.

A few hours had passed and it was almost midnight. I saw Dipper move slightly.

Dipper slowly opened his eyes and turned his gaze to me.

"Ugh...... Y/N..... what time is it now?" He asked tiredly.

"Umm..... almost 12 midnight. You wanna eat?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sorry for making you wait." Apologising, Dipper sat up and gave me a hug.


After eating dinner, I washed the dishes and started explaining to him the things that happend as a bed time story to him.

"..... and-..."I glanced over to Dipper and noticed him asleep.

I smiled to myself and secretly gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Sleep well~"


Lmao. Short. Im sorry.

Life  : Reverse! Dipper x reader(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now