Ch 19: Surprise~!

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A/N: there's a girl in our class. Let's call her.... britney. So, she wears bra that's other than white cause..... isn't that bad? Its seeing through her shirt. So I call her a bitch, a slut, a whore, a no good non-living piece of shit! Yup. I hate her so much. And like during dance practice she's like "Oh mah gud! You're not doing anything!!!" Wtf?!?!  She's not even doing anyyhing much!!! She should tell us something!!! AND I ASKED FOR THE SONG TO USE IN THE DANCE SHE WAS LIKE "I said Laterr!!" Wtf?? Music first, before the dance. Isnt that the usual thing??? Does she have fucking common sense?!?!

Ye sorry about that.

May that girl die and drown in hell.


-Y/N's POV-

Our life went back to normal. As usual, Veo and Will floated around with ease, Dipper and Mabel made some craft stuffs. But again, they were carrying glitters, streamers and stuff.

"Veeeoooo??" I called out.

"Yeah?" Veo then appeared next to me.

"Why do you-"

"Ah! I forgot to test something! Y/N! Let me test how smart you are!!" Veo cut me off.


"It's like a game. Pacifica, who is right behind you, will be holding something and you have to get closer to the answer by question which will be answered by a yes or no or a maybe. Get it?" Veo explained.

"I... think so?" I said, still a bit confused.

"Okay, let's start!" She pulled out a blinfold, gave it to me and I placed it on.

"Okay, start!" Veo announced and I started thinking.

"Umm..... is it a food?"




"Uh.... clothing?"

"Uhm..... maybe."

"...... accessory?"


"Is it for any gender?"


"Hmm...... shiny?"







"Yes!!! Correct!! You passed round one!! Next!!!!" Veo announced and I sighed in relief.

"Is it.... a thing?" I asked.




"Umm..... European... food?"

"... maybe?"


"No! Well, maybe. Depends?"



"Uhhh...... cake?"

"Yess!!! Yesss!!! Last one!!!"

Almost done! Just one more to go and I could ask her the question!


"A thing?"


"If it's not a thing... an animal?"




"Lol. You said yes, no or maybe only."

"Shut up!! Just continue the game!!"

"Kay kay.... hmm..... girl?"



"What the-?!?! No!!"

"Hehehe. JK... a boy? Do I know him?"

"Yes, and yes!!"

"Someone really close?"

"YES!! YES!!!!!!"




I attempted to turn around but I soon felt warm lips on mine. I fearlessly deepened the kiss but after a while, we parted for air.

I lifted up my hands to remove my blindfold but a hand stopped me from it.

"Not yet~"



Suddenly, I felt Dipper's hand holding one of mine. I stood up as he started leading me somewhere. It wasn't that far. Just a few walk away.

Then we stopped.

"Where are we?"


I kept my mouth closed but inside, I was really nervous.

I heard a creak. Probably from a door. Dipper started walking again and so did I. We stopped again after a few steps and I heard a few claps.

"You may now open your eyes, Y/N." Dipper whispered into my ear and slowly, I took of the blindfold. I squinted my eyes as the light blinded me.

"H-huh?...."As soon as my vision became normal again, I blinked a few more times.

I looked around and saw decorations. Ranging from (fav/color) to blue and to white. Flowers hung from here to there. Colorful streamers lightened up the room. I saw a few more kinds of decoration but my eyes landed on a group of people. My friends.

As soon as they noticed my gaze towards them, they all smiled or grinned and shouted, "Surprise!!!".


Life  : Reverse! Dipper x reader(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now