sorry... + Ending of Story

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After writing another chapter, i felt that I really can't write it anymore. I'm not that eager about this book as I was 3-4years ago.

But I'll tell you how the ending kinda goes like.


Y/N wakes up, wearing a white robe. She looks around as she rubbed her eyes a bit. Realising that she was in a hospital, she tried to get up but had no energy to do so.

"Y/N! Oh my goodness! U-umm... s-s-stay here! I'll call the doctor!" It was her mother's voice...

Y/N weakly looked at her leaving the door.

She waited patiently and a thought came into her mind. Where's Dipper?

Her mother came back in, this time with a doctor and a nurse.

"Mom! Why am I here?!" She shouted.

Her mother looked at the doctor with a worried look, and the doctor gave her a nod.

"It will be alright Ma'am. Patients are usually like this after waking up from a coma. She must be seeing hallucinations." The doctor neared Y/N.

"Comas?... Hallucinations?......" Y/N looked down at her hands.

"For now, we'll have to get a check up. Please refrain from talking." The doctor told her, and she gave a nod, shutting her mouth close.

Fear engulfed her and she tried close her eyes to try and use her 'powers'. Nothing... she then tried to remember how to use it, but the more she tried to remember about it, the more that her mind became hazy.

Her mind was completely occupied and soon, the check up was over. The doctor left the mother and daughter alone together.

"Mom.... where's my friends?" Y/N mentioned.

"Friends? You've never introduced them to me, and no one else other than I visited you... Honey, are you alright?"

Y/N was stunned. She began explaining their looks, attitude etc but it was all hopeless.

She gave up on trying to explain. She listened to all the answers and believed it was clear was proven that Dipper, Mabel, William, everyone else never existed.

Bill watched from afar as he laughed like a lunatic, looking at her face twisted in sorrow. "How foolish of her to not even get a hint that they're all fictional characters!" His lips curled up into a wide grin. He had altered her memories right when she had hit the car. "But me? Oh I'm everywhere! No matter where you're headed to...









good bye and thank you

Life  : Reverse! Dipper x reader(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now