Ch7: Liars

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Yup. So I tried to write something sad.

Wasn't sad enough in the last chapter. I need angst.


-Y/N's POV-
I was now back at my house and in my bedroom.  I quickly hid the cardboard with the pentagram and runes on it, under my bed.

Since my door was near the door, I could usually hear the things going on outside my bedroom but nearby the door.

"I'm telling you! See?!-" Veorica said and the voice opened.

I saw Veorica and behind her were Will, Mabel Gleeful,  Pacifica and Dipper Gleeful.

I glared at them.

"Y/N, please listen to us! It was an-"

"Liar!...." I shouted and shut the door close.

-3rd person's POV-

Dipper sighed as the 5 of them walked down the alley.

"*sigh* This is all my fault!! If I had been more careful,  this whole thing wouldn't have happened. I-I'm sorry guys..." Mabel said with tears pooling in her eyes.

"No. It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. Except whoever made this destiny or fate." Pacifica said and hugged Mabel.

"She's right and I have to apologize to her. Wait how about texting her?" Dipper asked.

"Try. I don't know the outcome though." Veorica said.

'Y/N, I'm sorry about that. It was an accident. I didn't mean it and I'm honest right now. I know you are still mad but please. Forgive me. Mabel accidentally slipped and pushed Pacifica, causing Pacifica to bump into me, causing a kiss. I'm sorry.'

Dipper sent his message, hoping that Y/N would reply.

Y/N recieved the message and decided to read it.

She smiled and let out a sigh.


"Oh, Dipper. It won't work, you liar!....." Y/N said as she turned off her phone and put it beside her.

"Humans....... why are we so similar? Hahaha. Saying that we are all different. Hahahaha! They are all wrong! We're all just wanting and needing! Everyone is the same! The 2 words are both the same 7 letters too!" Y/N said to herself as she started becoming lika a mentally ill person. Maybe she has a disorder. Maybe. She was becoming psychopathic.

It wasn't long.... until she started killing people.

She soon realised that she was now a dreamon. This happened when she wanted to get something and she reached out her hand. The thing that she wanted flew into her hand. She took out her 2 journals and that was the time when she realised that she was a dreamon.

Meaning, she could do anything that she wanted to do.

She bought a house. More like a mansion and started living there.

Transferring her stuffs wasn't that hard. She just had to make a warp hole and transfer her stuffs through there.

She teleported out of Reverse falls and when she felt that she was really bored, she killed people but most of them were bad ones like criminals.

Veorica and the others couldn't keep in contact with her. Only Mabel and Dipper Pines were able to.

Every weekend, Y/N would visit them but no one still found out about Y/N's "hobby".

No one. Except for Will. He didn't know what to do. So he tried to stop her himself.

Can he?

Will he be able to?

A/N: Soo..... I'm sorry about the messy plot and the weird plot twist. I'm bad at it but I just wanted to put some thrills and stuffs like that. Sorry.

And I got the humans are similar thing crom the song called 'Clean Freak' by GUMI. It's a vocaloid song and I got the phrases from the English cover by Jubyphonic. Listen to the song though.

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