Ch8: Misunderstood

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A/N: I have writer's block sometimes so I might be late in updating.


-Y/N's POV-
As I sat on the rooftop of some random house of some random neighborhood, I sang to myself one of my favourite songs, Secrets Of Wysteria.

It was a creepy and disgusting song, to be honest, but it was also great. If the person is not used to a song like that, it is not surprising that they get creeped out. But still.....

I decided to go back to my mansion to sleep.

It was pretty late so I chose to sleep already.

I placed my pocket knife under my pillow and drifted off to sleep.


-3rd person's POV-
"I saw her. She's one of us know.... And that's not the only thing... she started killing a lot of people..." Will told Veorica in anxiety.

"A dreamon?! Oh god..... this is worse than I thought.... she's in pure depression and despair..." Veorica started to panic.

"Can we help her somehow?" Will asked.

"Yes.... but it wouldn't be easy..." Veorica replied and they both teleported to where Y/N was.



"Only choice."

"The preparation is ready. Let's begin."

"In this world, we won't want you. Get out of the body now. We want it pure, we want it clean. With the power of the elements, get out now. Get out now! Get out now!! GET OUT NOW!"

The fire of the lit candle flickered violently, and Y/N seemed to be shaking. She looked more like she's struggling.

Soon she stopped shaking and something.... no, someone appeared infront of Veorica and Will.

"Ugh. You guys? Again?!" The dreamon infront of them said with annoyance.

"Valora?!" Will and Veorica said in unison.

"Ugh. What is this thing?! Trying to exorcise me? Well, since you're going to exorcise dreamons who are in this area, you'll be killing her too." Valora stated. She was right, though.

If Veorica and Will would start the exorcism, not only Valora, but Y/N would also die in the process.

"Ngh!!..." Veorica cursed under her breath and Will held his head, slightly panicking.

Valora sighed as she sat down with her legs crossed. Will and Veorica were panicking but suddenly, (Y/N) woke up.

"When am I?!?!" Y/N asked quickly.

"Year 2017, February." Veorica said ever so smoothly.

"Oh. Well then, I'm hungry so, I'm off to the kitchen." Y/N stood up from her bed and walked towards the door.

"Y/N!! Wait!!" Will and Veorica shouted at the same time but too late. Y/N already stepped on the line.

"Wait what? Why? Wait.... seriously Valora?? Ugh.... told you not to bother me again!" Y/N was NOT hurt and she seemed to know Valora.

"I-I am so sorry!!! Please don't ki-!!" Y/N cut her off with a snap of a finger, causing Valora's body to be cut in half, then the 2 parts dissolving into the air.

"SS Class or Level 120 dreamon!... EHHH?!??!!!" Veorica told to herself and kicked one of the candles, making it fall and the barrier disappear.

"By the way, where's Valora?" Will asked.

"Uhh.... I don't know. Gone?" Y/N replied.

"You know, it's kinda ironic that we're all calm about these situation. I mean, no one has been panicking and screaming and we're just like 'Lol' and then we have a conversation normally." Veorica said and the others agreed.

"True. True. Anyway, thanks for getting Valora out of me. I couldn't defeat her unless she was out of my body so thanks. And I wasn't the one killing innocent people. It was Valora." Y/N explained and finished her sentence with a cheeky grin.

"We know. And we're happy you're back." Will said and Y/N pulled Veorica and Will into an embrace.

"I gotta go apologise to Dipper and Mabel and Pacifica and the others!!! Guys, let's go!!" Y/N pulled them to the door but was stopped.

"They're asleep, Y/N! Chill! It's in the middle of the night! Get some rest first. Come on." Veorica informed Y/N.

"We'll stay here so have some rest and let's go in the morning." Will said and sat down on one of the bean bags.

"Uhh.... But I don't feel sleepy at alll!!!" Y/N whined.

"Oh yeah. You're a "HALF" dreamon. And "HALF" human. Now go get at least some sleep before you collapse as a human." Veorica quoted the half parts with her fingers.

"Fiine!!~ welp. Good night!" Y/N floppdd onto the bed and began snoring away.


A/N: hey hey hey guys!! Sorry for late updates! First reason might be my PSvita, second is my story in the draft and third (which is rare to happen), is school stuff lol.

Anyway, that last part where Y/N was whining cause she didn't want to sleep and Veo was like a mom. Lol. That was kinda weird for me. It was like me and my mom.

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