Ch5: Suspicious....

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A/N: I am so sorry for late update! I had periodical exams to do and lots and lots of projects to do. I'm so sorry!


-Y/N's POV-
It has already been 1 month since that yandere incident and everything was fine. But I kept seeing glitters, markers, papers, and other more art related materials.

Weird. They said that it was the girls' college project and they decided to help. I wanted to help them but I decided to finish my game first.

It has been already a week and they are still acting weird.

"Hey, Veo? Everyone's acting weird. Do you know anything?" I asked Veorica.

"Sorry. I don't know. I tried to read there mind but it was only filled with algebra formulas and questions." Veo answered.

"Hmm... Well, thanks anyway." I said and skipped away.

Beep Beep!

I felt a vibration coming from my phone and I realised that I got a text.

It was from Pacifica saying: Hey! Wanna go to the mall with us? If you're busy, then that's fine though.

I smiled and replied: Sure. Why not. Where are you guys now?

I sent the message. And a few seconds later, Pacifica sent her reply: In the Gleefuls' Villa. I was thinking of picking you up there because I think you are there.

I giggled and texted: Yeah I'm here. In the living room.

Pacifica replied: I'm behind the couch.

"Wait, what?" I turned around and-

"Kyaaah!! Pacifica! You scared me. Oh my gosh." I said, saying her name sternly.

"Hehehe. Sorry. But I had to! And Mabel is coming with us too." She said enthusiastically.

"It's fine. Ready to go?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yup. Let me just text Mabel first."

Beep Beep!

"She said that she's gonna pick us up at the main entrance of the house." She said and we both skipped to the main entrance.

Mabel picked us up and we went to the best mall that was near our place.

We looked at clothes that were pretty and cute.

But one dress suddenly caught my eyes. It was the wedding dress. It was white in color with a little bit of light (fav.color) at some parts.

"Y/N? Y/N. What's wrong?" Mabel asked and looked at the direction of where my eyes were looking at.

She began taking picture s of it and snapped me out of my imagination.


Our shopping day was fun. I had fun but I still couldn't figure out what they were hiding.

Let's just sleep for today.


I woke up by the sound of sizzling and I looked into the kitchen to find Veorica cooking some pancakes.

"Oh, hey Y/N! Good morning. I made some pancakes for you." Veorica said as she grabbed a plate which had a few cooked pancakes stacked up.

She took the pancake that she was cooking with a spatula and placed it on top of the plate.

"Bon appetit! Veorica's special pancake! Oh, wait!" Veorica clapped her hands together and various topping suddenly appeared right on top of the table.

"Woah! All of this for me?" I asked with glee.

(Haha. Glee. Gleeful. Ahem. Sorry.)

"Yup!" Veorica said and I thanked her and started getting the toppings.


I finished eating and Veorica suddenly brought me to the Gleeful's villa.

"Hm? Why are we here?" I asked her.

"Oh. I need you to help us in the project. Will you contribute?" Veorica asked and I nodded a 'yes'.

"Okay. First, we need to test your smelling skills. I'll just put a blindfold." Veorica said.

Soon, I felt a soft and silky material on top of my eyelids and Veorica gently grabbed my right hand.

She started leading me to a place. We were still in the villa and I knew that because we didn't walk too much.

"Okay. Y/N, don't take off the blindfold but just answer my questions." Veorica instructed and I answered, "Okay.".

We walk a few steps and we stopped.

"Okay. What do you smell?" Veorica asked me.

I sniffed the scent and I smiled, realising that it was one of my favourite scents.

"It's (fav.scent). Right?" I asked and Veorica slightly giggled.

"Correct! Now, to the next room!" Veorica exclaimed and led me to the next room.

"Now, what's the scent?" Veorica asked me again.

I sniffed it but I got confused.

Vanilla? Or coffee?

"Uhh...... vanilla or coffee." I said.

"Choose one only, Y/N." Veorica said and that made me hesitate more.

I thought and thought over and over again and I realised.

This is Dipper and Mabel's villa. And the last time I went here, I remember Dipper telling me that he liked the smell of vanilla.

"I got it! It's vanilla,  isn't it?" I smiled and hoped that I got it correct.

"Wow! You got this one correct! Now for the last destination. Not a test but a prize, I guess." She said and pulled my hand.

She took off my blindfold and I just faced front.

And when I opened the door....

A/N: Ha! Cliffhanger! I'm evil! Mwahahaha!! Nah. Just kidding.


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