Chapter 21: Pure Water

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Ells' POV
My eyes slowly opened. I was in the recovery room. I sat up, and was instantly tackled in a hug.

"Oh, thank goodness! You're ok!" Astrid said, hugging me tight. I hugged him back. What was this feeling I was experiencing when I hugged him?

"Yeah, I'm ok..." I said back, a smile on my face.

"What happened?" I asked him, only remembering little about Mrs. Celestia's class.

"Well, Red had your feet tied up. You didn't look to well. Then, all of a sudden, you did. And, oh, it all went so fast... You and Red totally fought it out! But, you were winning by a long shot. With one punch, you had him out cold. Then, you passed out. Mrs. Kuro came and took you here to recovery, along with Red. He's ok now, but you. You were out for a long time..." he said, explaining practically everything I needed to know.

"So, where is everyone else?" I asked him, looking at the clock.

"They are all at lunch hall." He said, sitting down on the side of the bed.

"How about you? You need food too." I said. He looked absolutely exhausted. I hope he wasn't to worried over me...

"Oh, don't worry about me. I wasn't that hungry anyways. I'm just glad that you are ok..." He said, which caused me to smile slightly.

That was sweet. He didn't have to do that for me, but, he did.

Then, it was almost like an earthquake. A big huge splash was heard in the hallway.

Usually, the lunchroom is super uber loud, but, now it was dead silent. We both looked at eachother with concern.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He responded back.

We both had the same thought though. We raced out of recovery together.

What we saw changed everything.

The lunch hall was soaking wet. The ceiling was dripping out the bright blue pure water.

Not water that you drink from a water fountain. But pure water. Only created by the sources of magic. Better then any kind of water you'll ever taste.

There was a hole in the wall. It looked like somebody punched with a bunch of force into the wall. But, there was nobody doing such act.

That's when we saw who it was. Hunter.

"Hunter! Are you ok?! What happened?!" I asked, as me and Astrid ran towards him and helped him off the ground.

That's when we noticed the blue, everywhere.

A streak of his hair was bright blue, like the sea. And, his eyes had that dark blue shimmer to them.

Oh yes! And the wings. He had what looked like black angel wings. The feathers, though, were bright blue. Just like his hair streak.

"Oh my gosh..." Astrid said, mouth agape.

"I didn't mean to splash water all over the place! I swear!" Hunter said, his eyes as bright as the ocean.

Another one. The words. The flashback.

"The second Guardian, Water. With the power of the mighty ocean, it works with the Fire to protect the angel, to save the world from the darkness yet to come."

Then, it was gone.

A/N: Hey guys! I am SO SORRY for posting this late! I am at an amazing sleepover with my best friend, nightmerrs! If you haven't followed her, go ahead and do so! We both write a bunch of stories on here together, and we would love for you to see them! Hope you enjoyed!

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