Chapter 8: Room NB4

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Ells' POV
We looked inside, and Violet whistled and impressively, looking around the room.

Inside, there was a couch, mini kitchen, two bathrooms, and two bedrooms. Astrid shut the door behind us and we all split. Violet and I were the only girls, so we took the one bedroom with two beds. I placed my bookbag on the left bed and started to unpack.

I place my photo of my parents and I on the mini table next to my bed.

I look at Violet, who just laid there. Besides the required stuff, she didn't seem to own anything else.

I took off my magic robe to reveal my normal clothes I wore underneath. Violet had already done so.

Then, we heard a knock at the door.

"Girls! We're all meeting on the couch. Come on out!" They said, running off to the couch.

Me and Violet just started each other, unsure of what to do.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Violet said, as we open the door and walked out. The boys had taken over the couch, so we sat on the floor.

"So, let's go around and say our names and our sector number." The brown haired guy said.

"This isn't kindergarten. Why are we doing this?" Violet said, rolling her eyes.

"Thanks for volunteering!" The brown hair said. Violet glared at him, before she repeated her name and sector. Then, it was my turn.

"Well, my name is Ells Ender, and I am from Sector 14."

"Sector 14?! But, they never have anyone who goes to the games!" The other guys said to me.

"Well, does it really matter, Hunter?" Astrid asked him.

"Sector 14 is a very small sector! An-"

"All right, all right. Be quiet! My turn. All right, my name is Dimitry, from Sector 5." The guy with brown hair said to us.

"And I'm Hunter, also from Sector 5." Hunter said.

Then, it was Astrid's turn to go.

"I'm Astrid. I am from Sector 13, and I was with my sister, Crystal." He said, sadly.

"It's ok, Astrid...", I said, trying to comfort him. "At least we're all on Team Nightblade. Together..." I said, with a little smile on my face.

He looked at me, and smiled back, saying,

"Thanks Ells..."

"Alright, now, I'm tired!" Hunter said, with a huge yawn.

"Yeah, me too. Anyways, we're waking up at 6 in the morning." Violet replied, standing up, and walking to our room, and shutting the door.

"I'm gonna go get a good night's rest. Good night Ells! Nice meeting you!" Dimitry said, Hunter tailing off behind him.

Astrid walked over to the fridge and got himself an orange and started to unpeel it.

"Would you like some?" He asked, getting one water bottle for me and another water bottle for him.

"Sure!" I said, as I moved on over to the couch. But the orange in half and gave one of the halves to me. That started our night off.

A/N: Oh my god! In 9 days, this book has received 1,000 reads! I can not thank you guys enough! I am so happy right now! I can't believe that my story has gotten this far! Thank you everyone, so so much!

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