Chapter 32

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I forced myself out of bed at 8:30 am to start getting ready for my first day helping out with scrips and other bits round the originals set. I changed into some black jeans with a white shirt, some black boots and a cardigan with my hair wavy. I applied my makeup and it was now 9:30 so I quickly ate some breakfast and drove to set.

I walked in and was met by a smiling Julie plec. "Hello Serena, it's nice to properly meet you! Phoebe and the gang have told me amazing things about you."

I smiled and thanked her as she walked with me to show me where everything is, she explained that today would just be me watching and helping out with bits here and there. "You don't need me to introduce you to that goofy lot as you already know them, they are in the canteen on a break, good luck" Julie laughed.

I walked into the canteen seeing all of the cast sat around eating lots and lots of food as usual... "hey guys" I said smiling as everyone turned and greeted me, Daniel patted the empty seat next to him motioning me to sit down. I looked around but there was no Joseph, in a way I was glad because it would hurt me seeing him, but I'm also sad because I miss him and don't want him to be down...

Daniel saw me looking around, "he's in his trailer, he dosnt sit out with us anymore. He basically lives in his trailer until filming is finished now" Daniel sympathetically smiled.
"Breaks over now! Everyone come back to set!" Julie shouted. I heard a trailer door swing open and footsteps approaching. I turned my head slightly and saw a broken man, Joseph. His eyes swollen and his usual smile was no longer on his face. Joseph noticed me and gulped, I looked him in the eyes and then back down to my feet.

"Serena?" Joseph questioned. "I didn't know you started today, I miss you so much"

"Joseph please don't do this now, it hurts me seeing you like this, it really does but it's to soon. Maybe after filming is done with we can talk" I half smiled and turned walking back to set.

I sat beside Julie and watched as the cast did their scenes. I wrote down some notes of some upcoming scenes that I think would be good and Julie turned out to really like them thankfully. Julie must of noticed me staring at Joseph sadly whilst he spoke his lines.

"he is a good man you know Serena?" Julie whispered.
"I know he is, but I just don't know what to do! Did you hear why we cut things off?" I replied.
"Yeah I did,phoebe and Daniel explained it all, and yes what he said was wrong but Joseph doesn't think before he speaks, he lashes out because he seriously likes you! I'd even go as far as loving you" Julie said whilst patting my back.
I thanked her for the talk. It did get me thinking, maybe she's right, he said it because he cares about me ALOT...

"And cut" the camera man shouted.

I walked over and took Josephs hand guiding him to the empty room next door. I stopped and my eyes met Josephs sad ones, he looked confused and nervous. "Joseph I-"
Before I could finish Joseph cut me off. "Serena please don't do this. I know you're about to end everything we had but I can't loose you" Joseph frowned with a small tear escaping his eye.
"I was going to say that I forgive you" I smiled. Joseph quickly looked back at me smiling also. "You do? What made you change your mind"
"Julie spoke to me, she said you lash out because you care about me to much. It got me thinking how much I care about you to... I couldn't bare not being around you" I said softly whilst taking Josephs hands.
"Be my girlfriend Serena? I've fallen for you so deeply and I couldn't ever loose you" i grinned from ear to ear, "yes of course I'll be your girlfriend my hybrid hunk." Joseph picked me up and spun me round then placed a long meaningful kiss on my lips.

Joseph held me close to his chest, we need to get back to set i grinned. "5 more minutes baby, I've missed you" Joseph mumbled into my neck.
We eventually headed back to set and told everyone the good news, let's just say they all got over excited and Daniel ended up running round the set screaming... we laughed it off and they continued filming, I sat back down beside Julie and thanked her.

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