Chapter 84

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Joseph's pov-

I woke up with a huge pain in my head, I felt like shit. I turned to see an empty space beside me, i shouted Serena's name and there was no sign of her in the hotel room, her suitcase and stuff were still there... i stumbled out of bed feeling like I was gonna throw up at any moment, god how much did I drink! I looked around for my phone and finally found it, I had around 20 missed called from Daniel and Paul, loads of texts in the group chat and on private, what the fuck? I unlocked my phone began reading the groupchat.

You're a fucking idiot Joseph, I don't even wanna be friends with you anymore.

Ha I agree Paul, absolute joke. Fuck you Joseph shitty Morgan!

I didn't ever think you would do this, you've also lost me and Nikki.

Don't think I can bare to look at your face ever again or I'm scared I'll break it👊🏼

I second that Claire^

Me 3^

How could you do this. How the fuck could you speak to Serena the way you did? She deserves the world and she thought she had that with you.

Don't waste your breath guys. I love you all so so much and thankful to have u in my life. I'm done with Joseph, don't think I will ever be able to forgive him for what he's done, I'm so so hurt by what he did and I'm broken. We're over

I frowned reading these messages, then when Charles mentioned how I spoke to Serena I froze, what the fuck? What the hell did I do! And when Serena's message came through I felt a tear slip down my face, is this a prank? Wait no it can't be. She's not here she's left. I decided to ring Serena but it didn't go through, she's blocked my number. I rang Daniel and as soon as he answered I knew I'd definitely messed up.

"What the fuck do you want Joseph, I don't wanna speak to you" Daniel scoffed through the phone.
"Daniel I don't know what I've done, whys everyone giving me shit and why has my fiancé left" I sniffled.
"You seriously don't know? Wow that makes you more of an ass, maybe have a long think! You tried to have sex with her in the club in front of everyone and when she said no you carried on and then you screamed and I quote don't be a baby you love me touching you like the little slut you are oh and called her a bitch to. So fuck off Joseph" Daniel shouted then immediately hung up.

Tears fell down my cheeks, this can't be happening. I sat with my head in my hands and thought about last night and it all came back to me,Daniel was right I shouted at her, called her horrible names. Yes I was drunk but this was no excuse and I think I've lost the love of my life forever. I immediately booked the next flight home to go home and see Serena.
Once the flight lands back in Atlanta I jump in the nearest taxi back to our home. I quickly unlock the front door and shout for Serena but there's no answer, I check every room and she's definitely not here, She's left, she's left me. No body is answering my calls or texts so I try the group chat.
Guys please someone talk to me, I've fucked up! I've fucked everything up, I've lost the love of my life. I'm so so sorry I didn't know I spoke the way I did, being drunk is no excuse and I must of scared you Serena. Please let's talk? I cannot loose you.

Fuck off Joseph! We.don'

Sorry isn't gonna cut it. You called you "fiancé" a slut!! You called her a bitch, a baby and screamed in her face, why would she want a husband who can't handle his drink and gets aggressive when he has to much. Oh and me and Paul will be coming by the house to get some of Serena's clothes, don't speak or look at us when we come by in 10 mins.

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