Chapter 61

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I decided to organise something cute for me and Joseph because it's usually always him that takes me places and with him being upset still about hurting me because of Persia I thought it's my turn to cheer him up.  I think he still thinks that I'm not over the whole thing that happened when I really am!

*phone call with Joseph*
the phone rung for about 5 seconds and Joseph answered.
"Hello love, everything alright?"
"Hey babe, yeah fine! How's work?"
"Yeah it's good just on lunch, Daniels being very annoying but other than that it's good. He giggled, How's your morning?"
"Haha no surprise there then! And It's nice to have a day off but I miss you! Oh and btw come to my house straight after work okay?"
"Wish I was with you love, and yeah okay baby. I should be there for 5:30 ish is that alright?"
"That's fine, See you then! Bye jo love you"
"I love you more" i smiled hearing those words and I imagine Joseph does the same.

 I should be there for 5:30 ish is that alright?" "That's fine, See you then! Bye jo love you""I love you more" i smiled hearing those words and I imagine Joseph does the same

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I decided to go shopping to pass the time until Joseph finished work, I did need a new outfit for Christmas next week. I had a look round lots of shops and ended up buying bags full of everyday clothes, I totally forgot about the actually reason I came shopping... a new dress for Christmas! I went into Chanel and found the most perfect dress, it was a long red elegant but modern dress. I bought it and some heels to go with it! Once I paid I was swarmed with paparazzi, cameras constantly flashing and questions being asked. "Are you and Joseph Morgan still together?" "What do you think about the whole Persia situation?" "Do you think Joseph would get back with Persia white?" I frowned at the last question. I pushed my way through the cameras in my face and was pulled out of the crowd by a man in a hat and black shades. "Hey Serena, you okay?" He asked leading me away. "Erm thanks for that but do I know you?" I blushed. "It's me Ian!" Ian said lowering his shades a little. "Oh my god, I didn't even recognise you! And yeah I'm fine. Just the paps asking me all sorts of stupid questions about the whole Joseph and Persia situation" I frowned. "Yep they are dicks! I've just been Christmas shopping, What are you up to?" Ian asked. "Just been getting a new outfit for Christmas, I've already got everyone's presents! Do you know the time?" I questioned.  "Ah that's nice, and it's 5:55" Ian replied. "SHIT I've gotta go, Joseph will be waiting at mine, I'm gonna take him somewhere nice, I've gotta rush but thanks for helping me out!" I said running back to my car.

I eventually made it home and Joseph's car was parked on my drive, luckily he has a key. I stumbled through my door with all my shopping bags to see a grinning Joseph sat on my sofa. I put my bags on the floor and sat on Joseph's knee, "I'm so sorry I'm late, I went shopping and then got surrounded by stupid paparazzi asking me all about Persia and taking lots of photos, then I saw Ian and he helped me get away from them" I sighed running my hands through Joseph's hair. Joseph still smirking at me, he placed a soft kiss on my lips. "It's fine baby, your here now." Jo smiled rubbing my shoulders. He sunk into the sofa and pulled me with him, "nope we can't get comfy! I'm taking you out" I giggled pulling him back up. "You're not taking me out, it's me that should be taking you out my darling" Joseph said knitting his eyebrows together. I took Joseph's hands in my hands and looked straight in his eyes. "You've taken me out enough, I love you Joseph and I wanna show you that. I know you think I'm not over the whole thing with Persia but I am jo, I promise you I am so stop worrying!" "I just don't wanna ever loose you, i love you to much. So then, where are you taking me love?" He asked. 
I smirked "now that would be telling" I winked.

Ouuuuu so where is Serena gonna take Joseph? Date alerttttt 🚨 8+votes for more! Xoxo

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